Pakistan Security Brief – December 31, 2009


A TTP spokesman refuted yesterday’s claim by a TTP commander regarding the Karachi bombing; Pakistani forces killed four militants during an operation in South Waziristan; Police arrested the Punjab chief of the TTP 12 days ago; Militants killed at least three during an attack on NATO oil tankers returning from Afghanistan; and the UN  is relocating some of its Pakistan staff for security reasons.

  • In a twist to the December 28 bombing in Karachi, Tehrik-e Taliban Pakistan (TTP) spokesman Azam Tariq claimed the TTP was not behind the blast that killed at least 44 people marking Ashura. Yesterday TTP commander Azmatullah Shaheen said his organization launched the attack, but today Tariq refuted Shaheen’s statement and said it was “baseless.” Tariq also stated that the TTP does not target public locations within Pakistan.[1]

  • Pakistani military forces raided a hospital in Wana, South Waziristan during an operation lasting until early Thursday morning. Following a tip that wounded militants were being treated in the hospital, Pakistani troops cleared the building, killing four militants and capturing 18. The militants that were killed were allegedly of Arab and Sudanese origin.[2]

  • It is now reported that police arrested Khalilullah 12 days ago in the Punjab. Khalilullah was the right-hand man of the late Baitullah Mehsud and the Punjab chief of the Tehrik-e Taliban Pakistan (TTP). Khalilullah organized logistics for suicide bombers across the Punjab and, according to investigators, had 600 suicide bombers at his disposal.[3]     

  • Militants continued to attack NATO oil tankers, this time in the Kalat area of Balochistan. The truckers were travelling through the Chaman Pass after returning from Afghanistan when militants on motorcycles opened fire. At least three people, including two drivers, were killed during the attack.[4]

  • The UN has decided to relocate some of its Pakistan-based staff, citing security reasons. A UN spokeswoman said 20 percent of the Pakistan staff will either be relocated to safer areas inside Pakistan or out of the country altogether.[5]


[1] “TTP denies hand in Karachi procession attack,” Dawn, December 31, 2009. Available at
[2] “Pakistan soldiers raid hospital,” BBC, December 31, 2009. Available at “Troops kill 'Arab, Sudan fighters' in South Waziristan,” Dawn, December 31, 2009. Available at
[3] “Punjab chief of Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan arrested,” Dawn, December 31, 2009. Available at
[4] “Two killed as militants attack Nato tankers in Kalat,” Dawn, December 31, 2009. Available at
[5] “UN to move some staff out of Pakistan,” News, December 31, 2009. Available at
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