Pakistan Security Brief – January 5, 2010

General McChrystal is working to strengthen the U.S.-Pakistan partnership to counter militants operating in Afghanistan and Pakistan; the Pakistani military claims to have removed 80 percent of the militants located in Mohmand Agency; Pakistani forces kill three militants infiltrating Swat valley; the TTP sets ablaze an entire village in Lower Orakzai; Pakistani police have two weeks to prepare a case against five Americans arrested in Pakistan.

  • Pakistan is expecting a greater number of militants and refugees to cross their border as American troops increase their presence within Afghanistan. A U.S. official also noted that militants based in Pakistan may enter into Afghanistan when heavy fighting begins with American troops. However, Gen. Stanley McChrystal, Commander of the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan, said yesterday that Pakistan and the U.S. are working to increase their partnership in fighting the Taliban by coordinating attacks against militants on both sides of the border. Gen. McChrystal also mentioned the importance of a strong U.S.-Pakistani partnership to conduct an effective counterinsurgency operation in Afghanistan.[1]

  • On Monday a Pakistani court allowed two weeks for police to prepare a case against the five Americans who were arrested on December 9. The five, from Alexandria, Virginia, went to Pakistan seeking training from various militant groups to wage jihad. They will be charged under Pakistan’s anti-terrorism act.[2]

  • Members of Tehrik-e Taliban Pakistan set an entire village ablaze in Lower Orakzai on Monday. Villagers previously fled the area, fearing that TTP militants would use them as human shields during operations with Pakistani forces. Villagers said the arson attack was retaliation by the TTP for not supporting the TTP over Pakistani troops.[3]

  • Pakistan’s Army said on Tuesday that Mohmand Agency, located in North-West Frontier Province, is 80 percent clear of militants following operations in the Agency that left approximately 350 militants dead. Pakistani forces are now trying to bring stability to the region.[4]

  • Pakistani forces engaged militants attempting to enter the Banjir area of Swat valley Monday. Having noticed their movement into the valley, Pakistani troops opened fire, killing three militants.[5]

[1] Karin Brulliard, “Pakistan worried U.S. buildup in Afghanistan will send militants across border,” Washington Post, January5, 2010. Available at Baqir Sajjad Syed, “Joint Pak-US action against Taliban in the offing,” Dawn, January 5, 2010. Available at
[2] “5 American terror suspects appear in Pakistan court,”CNN, January 4, 2010. Available at
[3] “Militants burn village in Lower Orakzai,” Dawn, January 5, 2010. Available at
[4] “Eighty per cent of Mohmand cleared, says army,” Dawn, January 5, 2010. Available at
[5] “Security forces kill three militants in Swat,” Dawn, January 5, 2010. Available at
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