Pakistan Security Brief – April 12, 2010

Military continues operations in Orakzai; fighter jets target LI meeting in Khyber; militants clash with security forces in South Waziristan; school blown up in Mohmand; six people killed in Abbottabad protests; militants bomb school in Upper Dir; ISI allegedly releases two Afghan Taliban leaders; Afghan official says Baradar arrest derailed peace talks; Pakistan launches largest war game in 20 years; Gilani meets with Obama ahead of nuclear summit.




Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (formerly NWFP)


Afghan Taliban


Pakistan war game


Nuclear summit

[2] “Pakistan airstrike, gunfight kill 48 militants,” AFP, April 10, 2010. Available at “45 killed as jets bomb LI hideouts in Tirah,” Daily Times, April 10, 2010. Available at\04\11\story_11-4-2010_pg7_3.
[6] “Boys’ school blown up in Charagali,” Daily Times, April 11, 2010. Available at\04\11\story_11-4-2010_pg7_2.
[7] Greg Miller, “U.S. officials say Pakistani spy agency released Afghan Taliban insurgents,” Washington Post, April 10, 2010. Available at
[8] Joshua Partlow and Karen DeYoung, “Afghan officials say Pakistan’s arrest of Taliban leader threatens peace talks,” Washington Post, April 10, 2010. Available at
[9] “Military launches biggest-ever war games,” Dawn, April 10, 2010. Available at Sabrina Tavernise, “Pakistan Begins Month of Military Drills,” New York Times, April 10, 2010. Available at
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