Yemen: EU seeks to mediate between Yemeni government and opposition; Russian navy accused of attacking Yemeni fishing boats

Horn of Africa: Russian navy recaptures oil tanker; AU warns of coordinated attacks on civilians in Somalia; victim wounded in Kismayo mosque bombing dies; UN calls for halt of child soldier use in Somalia; Hizb al Islam clash in hospital kills four


Yemen Security Brief

  • The Spanish ambassador to Yemen, Marcos Vega, said the European Union is trying to bring the Yemeni government and opposition political parties to the negotiating table before next year’s parliamentary elections. A spokesman for the opposition Joint Meeting Parties denied that there was an EU initiative to begin dialogue with the government.[1]
  • Yemeni fishermen are protesting actions taken by the Russian navy last month which resulted in the sinking of seven fishing vessels. Yemeni fishermen claim that they are being confused with Somali pirates operating in the region, and that Russian forces have harassed them without evidence of their involvement in pirate operations.[2]


Horn of Africa Security Brief

  • The Russian navy recaptured an oil tanker seized yesterday by Somali pirates off the coast of Yemen. At least one pirate was killed when Russian forces attacked and boarded the tanker. Ten other pirates were captured in the raid.[3]
  • African Union forces in Mogadishu are warning of coordinated suicide attacks on civilians in the capital city likely to take place soon. A spokesman for the AU said rebel forces had prepared approximately ten vehicles rigged with bombs falsely bearing AU insignia.[4]
  • A man wounded in the mosque blast in Kismayo on Sunday has died. The man had been in critical condition at the local hospital. Al Shabaab remains in control of the city in southern Somalia.[5]
  • Two senior UN officials in Somalia said the practice of using child soldiers in the country must stop. According to the officials, children as young as nine are being recruited to fight in the various armed groups around the country.[6]
  • Four people were killed when Hizb al Islam fighters stormed a hospital on the outskirts of Mogadishu. The clash began when fighters from the rebel group tried to disarm hospital guards. Hundreds of displaced persons camped near the hospital were seen fleeing the area.[7]




[1] “EU Seeks to Sponsor Yemen Dialogue Amid Political Stalemate,” Yemen Post, May 6, 2010. Available:  
[2] “Anti-Piracy Forces Off Yemen Playing Pirates With Fishermen,” Arab News, May 6, 2010. Available:  
[3] “Russian Navy Retakes Oil Tanker,” al Jazeera, May 6, 2010. Available:  
[4] “AU Warns of Attacks Against Civilians in Somalia,” AP, May 5, 2010. Available:  
[5] “Somalia: One of the Injured Civilians Dies in Kismayu,” Shabelle Media Network, May 5, 2010. Available:  
[6] “Somalia: Top UN Officials Urge Halt to Use of Child Soldiers,” Shabelle Media Network, May 5, 2010. Available:  
[7] “Somalia: 4 Dead As Hizbul Islam Fighters Clash With Hospital Guards,” Garowe Online, May 5, 2010. Available: