Yemen: Eight wounded in clashes with police in Dhaleh; AQAP leaders reportedly seen in Ma’rib province; court tries two al Qaeda suspects for killing military and security officials; authorities meet with foreign officials in bid to counter al Qaeda threat

Horn of Africa: Hizb al Islam militants in Beledweyne join al Shabaab; two Comoros nationals arrested in Kenya on suspected al Shabaab ties; Ahlu Sunna wa al Jama’a bans firearms, imposes curfew in Guriel; $9.3 million pledged to help Kenya and the Seychelles prosecute pirates

Yemen Security Brief  

  • Police and southern movement activists clashed in Dhaleh Tuesday during the funeral of four civilians killed on June 6.  Eight people were reportedly wounded in the exchange of fire with authorities.[1]
  • The General Director of al Madina district in Ma’rib province reports that AQAP’s leader, Nasser al Wahayshi; deputy leader, Said al Shihri; and military commander, Qasim al Raymi, were spotted in one of Ma’rib province’s districts.[2]
  • Two alleged al Qaeda members stood trial Tuesday accused of involvement in an armed group that killed nine people, including military and security officials.  The suspects were detained in December in eastern Ma’rib province.[3]
  • State authorities have been meeting with security officials from the United States, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia to agree on a security and financial assistance plan to help Yemen combat al Qaeda, according to sources in Cairo.  The meetings aim to coordinate operations against the terrorist group and improve information-sharing between the participating countries.[4]
  Horn of Africa Security Brief  
  • Hizb al Islam’s regional authority in Beledweyne joined al Shabaab, and its leader Sheikh Abdulkadir Haji Ahmed called on all Islamists to follow suit.[5]
  • Kenyan security authorities arrested two Comoros natives Sunday for potential links to al Shabaab. The men claim they were fishermen captured by pirates and left them in Ras Kamboni in the Lower Jubba region, from where they walked across the border to safety.[6]  
  • Ahlu Sunna wa al Jama’a banned the carrying of illegal firearms in areas under its control, and also imposed a curfew in Guriel in Galgudud region. These moves follow a grenade attack on the home of the group’s leader.[7]
  • International donors have pledged $9.3 million to aid Kenya and the Seychelles in prosecuting suspected Somali pirates and to improve the countries’ justice systems.[8]

[1] “Eight Wounded in South Yemen Clashes,” Middle East Online, June 15, 2010.  Available:
[2] “Al-Qaeda Deputy Spotted in Marib,” Yemen Observer, June 15, 2010.  Available:
[3] “Yemeni Court Tries Two Qaeda Suspects,” AFP, June 15, 2010.  Available:
[4] “Arab-American Meeting in Yemen to Tackle Al-Qaeda in Region ‘Yemen’; Newspaper,” Yemen Post, June 15, 2010.  Available:
[5] “Somalia’s Hizbu Islam May Be Nearing Its End,” Daily Nation, June 14, 2010. Available:
[6] “Comoros: Men Quizzed over Suspected Terror Links,” Daily Nation, June 14, 2010. Available:
[7] “Somalia: Ahlu-Sunnah waljama bans carrying illegal fire arms,” Somaliweyn, June 15, 2010. Available:   “Somalia: Ahlu Sunna imposes night curfew in central town,” Mareeg, June 13, 2010.  Available:
[8] “UN: Donors Give $9.3M on Somali Piracy Cases,” AP, June 15, 2010.  Available:
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