Yemen: Explosive device found near homes of Taiz governor and police director; President Saleh flies to Russia for security talks; President Saleh holds talks with Egyptian FM and intelligence head

Horn of Africa: Al Shabaab releases English-language video featuring deceased commander, calls on AMISOM troops to withdraw from Somalia; al Shabaab claims victory in Monday Mogadishu fighting, several TFG bases captured; U.S. federal court indicts retired colonel in conspiracy to smuggle weapons to Somalia; Somaliland election commission chairman says votes 90 percent counted; Somali president promotes 22 military officers; clan fighting kills 5 in Puntland

Yemen Security Brief  

  • An explosive device was discovered Monday near the homes of Taiz Governor Khalid al Soufi and Taiz Police Director Yahya al Haisami, according to authorities.[1]
  • President Saleh arrived in Russia today for security talks with leaders in Moscow, including discussions on counterterrorism and anti-piracy efforts.[2]
  • President Saleh met with Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Abu al Gheit and Egyptian intelligence head Omar Suleiman to discuss counterterrorism issues during a visit to Cairo this week.[3]
 Horn of Africa Security Brief  
  • Al Shabaab’s media arm released an English-language video showing a battle between militants and AMISOM troops, and then calling on Uganda and Burundi to remove their troops from Somalia. The audio clip features Sheikh Aadan Haashi ‘Ayro, who died in a 2008 U.S. airstrike.[4]
  • An al Shabaab leader said his group was victorious in Monday’s fighting and captured several TFG bases in northern Mogadishu.[5]
  • A U.S. federal court indicted a retired U.S. Air Force colonel for conspiring with an Israeli man to smuggle 2,000 AK-47 assault rifles to Somalia in violation of a U.N. arms embargo. The man, Joseph O’Toole, also faced charges in the late 1980s of conspiracy to smuggle cargo jets to Iran, although federal prosecutors later dropped them.[6]
  • The Somaliland election commission chairman announced Monday that 90 percent of votes cast in the presidential election are counted. The final results will be announced later this week.[7]
  • Somali president Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed promoted 22 military officers Monday at the Villa Somalia.[8]
  • Fighting between clan militias killed five people in Puntland’s Karkar region Monday. The conflict resulted from a dispute over grazing land.[9]

[1] “Dangerous Explosive Device Found at Homes of Taiz Governor, Police Director,” Yemen Post, June 29, 2010.  Available:
[2] “President Saleh Lands in Russia,” Yemen News Agency, June 29, 2010.  Available:
[3] “Saleh Meets Egyptian FM, Intelligence Head,” Yemen News Agency, June 29, 2010.  Available:
[4] “Shabaab Calls Upon Uganda and Burundi to Cease Sending Troops to Somalia,” SITE Intel Group, June 29, 2010.
[5] “Al-shabab claims victory over fighting, calm returns to the north,” Mareeg, June 29, 2010. Available:
[6] “Iran-Contra colonel in gun-run case,” Politico, June 28, 2010. Available:
[7] “Somaliland Election: 90 percent of votes counted, observers say fair,” Somaliland Press, June 28, 2010. Available:
[8] “Somalia: Military Promotion with No Progress in Somalia,” Somaliweyn, June 29, 2010. Available:
[9] “Somalia: Fighting Kills 5 in Puntland,” Shabelle Media Network, June 28, 2010. Available:
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