Yemen: Al Houthi rebels criticize U.S.; detained Somali pirates sentenced to 12 years in prison; Saleh leaves Tripoli summit with agreement on furthering Arab States Union; officials meet with South Korea to discuss security cooperation

Horn of Africa: Fighting between al Shabaab, Ahlu Sunna wa al Jama’a kills 12 in Mogadishu; Kenyan police kill unarmed Somali refugee in Nairobi; unidentified armed group kills man in Bakara Market; Somaliland election commission warns against premature announcements of results

Yemen Security Brief  

  • The al Houthi Information Office launched an awareness campaign in Sa’ada province, Sufyan district, and al Jawf province last week about the dangers of al Qaeda, saying that it is a “U.S. intelligence tool…to occupy any Arab or Islamic country under the pretext of terrorism.”[1]
  • A court in Yemen’s Hadramout province handed down sentences to six Somali pirates of up to 12 years in prison on Tuesday.[2]
  • President Saleh left a summit in Libya yesterday touting an agreement from Arab leaders to continue efforts to establish an Arab States Union and bolster the Arab League, efforts Saleh sought to strengthen.[3]
  • Yemeni and South Korean officials met Wednesday to discuss improving security cooperation, including possible South Korean assistance to combat terrorism.[4]
Horn of Africa Security Brief  
  • Fresh violence between Ahlu Sunna wa al Jama’a soldiers and al Shabaab militants killed 12 people and wounded another 25 in Mogadishu’s northern districts Tuesday. Eight of the wounded were journalists covering an al Shabaab press conference, which showcased the bases taken from the TFG in Monday’s fighting.[5]
  • Kenyan policeman killed a Somali refugee in Nairobi Tuesday. Witnesses said the policeman harassed the young man briefly before shooting him.[6]
  • An armed group murdered an unarmed civilian in Mogadishu’s Bakara Market, although it is unclear if the group was connected to Islamist rebels.[7]
  • The Somaliland election commission asked political parties not to announce any sweeping predictions or results not officially announced by the commission for fear of confusing the public.[8

[1] “Al-Houthis Criticize US, al-Qaeda,” Yemen Observer, June 30, 2010.  Available:
[2] “Yemen Hands Down Death Sentences to 8 Drug Traffickers; Jail Sentences to 6 Pirates,” Yemen Post, June 29, 2010.  Available:
[3] “Saleh on Egypt Visit,” Yemen News Agency, June 29, 2010.  Available:
[4] “Yemen, S. Korea Discuss Security Cooperation,” Yemen News Agency, June 30, 2010.  Available:
[5] “Mortars, clashes kill 12, wound 25 others in north, south Mogadishu,” Mareeg, June 29, 2010. Available:  “8 journalists wounded in Somalia,” CNN, June 29, 2010. Available:
[6] “Somali refugee killed in Nairobi,” Mareeg, June 29, 2010. Available:
[7] “Armed group murder a civilian in Bakara market,” Mareeg, June 29, 2010. Available:
[8] “SOMALILAND: NEC warns the press and political parties over predictions of election results,” Somaliland Press, June 29, 2010. Available:  
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