Yemen: Wahayshi promises continued jihad; Yemeni authorities arrest arms dealers; Yemeni airports see security improvement

Horn of Africa: AMISOM bases in Mogadishu attacked, five people dead; Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys calls for support of drought victims; South Africa arrests four people, seizes Puntland-bound arms shipment; France says Denis Allex, captured spy, still alive in Somalia

Yemen Security Brief

  • Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) leader, Nasser al Wahayshi, wrote in his article in the new issue of AQAP’s Arabic-language magazine, Sada al Malahem (Echo of the Epics), that jihad would not end because of the deaths of leaders. He wrote, “[martyrdom] is the fuel of jihad and creates it… as long as your unbelief lasts, the market of war will be open and the river of blood will flow.” Wahayshi adds, “Every time a leader is killed, a new, tougher leader takes his place…”[1]
  • Yemen News Agency reports that Yemeni authorities have arrested 25 arms dealers as stricter weapons control comes into place. The men were arrested throughout the country.[2]
  • Yemeni authorities report that airport security has improved in Yemen. Modern equipment can now be found in the airports and there are contracts in place to purchase additional equipment.[3]

Horn of Africa Security Brief

  • Al Shabaab attacked AMISOM bases in Mogadishu last night, resulting in the deaths of at least five people. Local sources report the attacks were the most “violent” in recent days and the casualty count is not yet final. Heavy fighting occurred near the Hotel Jubba, Manabolyo junction, Fiat junction, and in the Bondhere district.[4]
  • Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys, formerly the leader of Hizb al Islam, called for the establishment of a committee to collect funding for victims of the drought in south and central Somalia at a press conference in Afgoi district on Monday afternoon.[5]
  • South African authorities report that a shipment of guns allegedly destined for the Puntland anti-piracy militia has been seized from a house outside Durban in South Africa. Four people were also arrested in connection to the shipment, which was of eight assault rifles with telescopic and silencing devices, two AK-47s, two shotguns, and a revolver.[6]
  • French DGSE foreign intelligence service reports that it had “proof of life” of a French secret agent kidnapped in Somalia on July 14, 2009. Denis Allex, according to the source, replied to a “personal question.” The source added, “No detail was given by his captors on the state of his health nor on his location or the conditions in which he is being held.”[7]

[1] “Wuhayshi Praises Slain Leaders,” SITE Intel Group, December 27, 2010. Available at SITE.
[2] “25 Arms Dealers Arrested as Yemen Tightens Anti-Gun Measures,” SABA Net, December 28, 2010. Available:
[3] “Yemen Improves Airport Security to Lift U.S. Ban, Saba Reports,” Bloomberg, December 27, 2010. Available:
[4] “Somalia/Mogadishu: Night of Fighting, AU Peacekeeping Bases Attacked,” Missionary International Service News Agency, December 28, 2010. Available:
“Overnight Fighting Kills 5 in Mogadishu,” Shabelle Media Network, December 28, 2010. Available:
[5] “Former Islamist Group Leader, Hassan Dahir calls for al-Shabab Militias to Stand for Drought,” Mareeg Online, December 28, 2010. Available:
[6] “S. African Police Find Weapons Bound for Somalia,” AP, December 28, 2010. Available:
[7] “French Spy Hostage ‘Still Alive in Somalia,’” AFP, December 28, 2010. Available:
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