Yemen: Sixty soldiers under siege in al Jawf

Horn of Africa: Al Shabaab attacked military bases in Mogadishu; hand grenade thrown at military vehicle in Mogadishu; UN Special Representative for Somalia met with TFG officials; al Shabaab militants amputate hand and foot of man in Baidoa; Ministry of Finance denies allegations of corruption

Yemen Security Brief

  • Major Abdallah Hammod al Arefy, the military commander in the al Maslob district of al Jawf governorate, reported that about 500 Nawas tribesmen laid siege to a military camp six days ago.  There are sixty soldiers from Yemeni central security in the camp.  The tribesmen are seeking the release of one of their members, who was arrested after killing a soldier.[1]

Horn of Africa Security Brief

  • Al Shabaab militants attacked Transitional Federal Government (TFG) and AMISOM military bases in Hodan district in Mogadishu Wednesday morning.  Residents report that shells fell between two major roads in Mogadishu – Jidka Wadnaha and Jidka Soddanka (Heart Road and 30 Road).  One person has been reported killed and three others were injured.  Shabelle Radio reports that the targeted bases were in the Shaqalaha building along Makka al Mukarama Road.[2]
  • TFG soldiers in an armed government vehicle were attacked with a hand grenade in Mogadishu at the Banadir intersection.  Mareeg reports that three civilians were injured.  Shabelle Radio reported that two people were killed and one other was injured.[3]
  • The UN’s Special Representative for Somalia, Augustine Mahiga, met with TFG President Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed and Prime Minister Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed in Villa Somalia in Mogadishu.  Mohamed said at a press conference following his meetings, “Our government is committed to uproot al Shabaab terrorists from Somalia completely.”[4]
  • Al Shabaab militants amputated the hand and foot of a 19-year-old man in Baidoa in the southern Bay region.  Al Shabaab judge Sheikh Abu Feysal convicted the man of banditry.  Residents were gathered to observe the amputation.[5] 
  • The Somali Ministry of Finance denied the existence of corruption within government institutions.  Hussein Abdi Halane, the Minister of Finance, said, “All new governmental institutions are free from corruption and money laundering.”[6]


[1] “60 Soldiers Under Siege in al-Jawf Province,” Yemen Post, January 4, 2011.  Available:
[2] “Fighting Takes Place in Mogadishu,” Mareeg Online, January 5, 2011.  Available:
“One Die as Clash Breaks Out in Mogadishu,” Shabelle Media Network, January 5, 2011.  Available:
[3] “Government Soldiers on Their Vehicle Attacked with Bomb Explosion in Mogadishu,” Mareeg Online, January 5, 2011.  Available:
“Blast Kills 2 in Mogadishu,” Shabelle Media Network, January 4, 2011.  Available:
“UN Envoy for Somali Lands Mogadishu in a Short Trip,” Shabelle Media Network, January 4, 2011.  Available:
“UN Envoy Calls on Somali Government to Help Droughts Affected People,” Shabelle Media Network, January 5, 2011.  Available:
“Al-Shabaab Cuts Off Leg, Hand of Young Man in Baidoa Town,” Shabelle Media Network, January 4, 2011.  Available:
[6] “Finance Ministry Denies Stealing of National Properties,” Mareeg Online, January 5, 2011.  Available:
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