Gates says U.S. “disappointed” by failed raids on IED factories; President Zardari met with military leaders to discuss “security situation”; Seven NATO oil tankers destroyed in explosion; IDPs to return to South Waziristan; Report on shooting in Kharotabad shows foreigners did not fire during the incident; Regional rangers chief and police chief “ousted” over killing of unarmed man; Pakistani government forms commission to investigate journalist Shahzad’s death; Anti-terrorism court records statements against TNSM; Pakistan and India to discuss Kashmir issues; ANP criticizes army involvement in business; Sufis continue to visit shrine amidst threat of terror attack.



U.S.-Pakistani Relations

  • On Monday, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates told the Associated Press “there was clear disappointment” within the administration regarding failed raids on bomb factories in Waziristan following the U.S. sharing intelligence with their Pakistani counterparts. According to the Associated Press, information regarding the location of the facilities where militant groups were making improvised explosive devices (IEDs) was shared with Pakistan as “an act of faith to restore relations with Pakistan.” When the Pakistani military arrived to raid the facilities, they were empty. During his recent visit to Islamabad, CIA director, and Secretary of Defense nominee, Leon Panetta confronted Pakistani leadership with evidence that elements of Pakistan’s security establishment may have leaked the information to the militants.[i]

  • According to the Express Tribune, the U.S. “has established contact with elusive Taliban leader Mullah Omar to negotiate an end to the conflict in Afghanistan.” Reportedly, Taliban spokesman Abdul Haqiq, alias Dr. Mohammed Hanif, was instrumental in connecting the U.S. to Mullah Omar. The Express Tribune reports a U.S. offer of Taliban control in Southern Afghanistan with a U.S.-supported element ruling the North has been rejected.[ii]

  • The Associated Press of Pakistan reports that on Monday “during talks between Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Hina Rabbani Khar and the US Deputy Secretary of State Thomas Nides in Islamabad,” the U.S. and Pakistan “reaffirmed” their commitment to continued cooperation. Deputy Secretary Nides also told his Pakistani counterparts that the U.S. “respects [Pakistani] sacrifices” in the struggle against terrorism.[iii]

  • On Monday, Awami Muslim League Chief Sheikh Rashid claimed “both the government and opposition were engaged in furthering a U.S. agenda.” According to Rashid, “[t]he Government is advancing the [U.S.] agenda through its policies while the opposition is pursuing it by maligning the intelligence agencies.”[iv]

President Zardari Meets with Military Leaders

  • The Express Tribune reports President Asif Ali Zardari met with military leadership in Islamabad on Monday. According to the Express Tribune, the military “sought the government’s support on a number of issues.” Sources have told the Express Tribune that the prospective North Waziristan operation was discussed. The office of the President released no other statement than “the security situation was discussed.” [v]

NATO Oil Tankers Destroyed

  • The AFP reports seven NATO oil tankers were destroyed on Monday “when a bomb planted in one of the vehicles exploded at a terminal in Torkham border area” in Khyber. Reportedly, ten of the thirty oil tankers in the area are still in danger of catching fire. No responsibility for the initial blast has been claimed.[vi]



  • According to the Express Tribune, a report “presented by Inspector General of the Frontier Corps Obaidullah Khattak to the National Assembly’s Parliamentary Committee on the [May 17] Kharotabad killings” shows the foreigners did not fire any shots prior to or during the incident. Of the five killed when Frontier Corps and police fired on the group, “a Tajik man and his Russian wife,” who was pregnant, have been identified by family members. Adding to the controversy surrounding the incident, Geo reports, “[a] police surgeon who conducted post-mortem of the victims of Kharotabad shooting incident has been tortured . . . by police personnel.” Additionally, a journalist who had testified in the case and submitted camera footage of the incident as evidence, had been arrested, “detained for two hours,” and released. Geo reports the journalist had been tortured. The two police officers who arrested him have been suspended.[x]

  • On Tuesday “three doctors received gunshot wounds and five others were injured due to shelling” during a protest in Quetta. The Young Doctors Association has been “on strike for the past two months” asking for salary increases. Also on Tuesday, according to the AFP, “Police foiled a plan to blow up a railway track with explosive material in the Mangoli area of Jaffarabad district [of Balochistan] on Tuesday.”[xi]


  • The Associated Press reports both that Sindh province police chief Fayyaz Leghari and Maj. Gen. Ijaz Chaudhary, the director general of the paramilitary Rangers force, have been removed from their posts in the aftermath of the Rangers’ killing of unarmed 22-year old Sarfaraz Shah last Wednesday. Last Friday, the Supreme Court ordered the removal of both officials “within three days.” A widely replayed video of the shooting has incited public outrage and created pressure for authorities to punish the responsible.[xii]
  • Dawn reports that at least 12 people have been killed in “target killings” in Karachi since Monday evening. Among those killed was an MQM activist and a local lawyer and member of the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP).” According to the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan, “748 people — 447 political activists and the rest innocent citizens — were killed in targeted shootings last year.”[xiii]

Saleem Shahzad Commission

  • On Monday, the government formed a commission to investigate the death of journalist Saleem Shahzad. The Express Tribune reports Shahzad’s body “was found on May 31 in a canal in Mandi Bahauddin, about 150 kilometres southeast of Islamabad, two days after he went missing on his way from his home to a television interview in another part of the capital.” Chief Justice of the Federal Shariat Court Justice Agha Rafiq has been selected to head the commission investigating Shahzad’s death.[xiv]

Statements against TNSM

Kashmir Talks

ANP Criticizes Army

Sufis Continue Worship amidst Threat

[i] “US disappointed by failed raids in Pakistan: Gates,” AP, June 13, 2011. Available at
“C.I.A. Director Warns Pakistan on Collusion With Militants,” New York Times, June 12, 2011. Available at
[ii] “US establishes contact with Mullah Omar,” The Express Tribune, June 14, 2011. Available at
[iii] “Pakistan, US reaffirm resolve to bolster bilateral cooperation,” APP, June 13, 2011. Available at
[iv] “Govt. opposition pursuing US agenda: Rashid,” The News, June 13, 2011. Available at
[v] “In rare meeting, military brass seeks president, PM’s support,” The Express Tribune, June 14, 2011. Available at
[vi] “7 Nato tankers destroyed,” AFP, June 13, 2011. Available at
[vii] “Third phase of IDPs’ return to SWA announced,” The News, June 14, 2011. Available at
[viii] “Pakistan wants tribal militias in militant hub,” AP, June 14, 2011. Available at
[ix] “Security man killed in Orakzai blast,” The Nation, June 14, 2011. Available at
[x] “Chechens did not fire a shot, NA committee told,” The Express Tribune, June 13, 2011. Available at
“Legal action to be taken against accused policeman,” Geo, June 14, 2011. Available at
“Journalist reporting Kharotabad incident released, Geo, June 14, 2011. Available at
“Kharotabad incident Judicial tribunal enlists two witness,” The News, May 25, 2011. Available at
[xi] “Young doctors to observe country-wide strike,” The Express Tribune, June 14, 2011. Available at
“Plan to attack railway in Balochistan foiled,” Dawn, June 14, 2011. Available at
[xii]“Pakistan removes paramilitary chief over killing,” AFP, June 14, 2011. Available at
“Pakistan officials ousted over taped shootings,” AP, June 14, 2011. Available at
[xiii] “Death toll rises to 15 in Karachi violence,” Dawn, June 14, 2011. Available at
[xiv] “Saleem Shahzad’s murder: Shariat court CJ to head new commission,” The Express Tribune, June 14, 2011. Available at
[xv] “ATC records statements against Sufi, TNSM activists,” The News, June 14, 2011. Available at
[xvi] “Pakistan, India to discuss Kashmir this month,” AP, June 14, 2011. Available at
[xvii] “Rana Trial to Stall India-Pakistan,” Wall Street Journal, June 14, 2011. Available at
[xviii] “ANP slams army’s commercial ventures,” Dawn, June 14, 2011. Available at
[xix] “Pakistan's Sufi Muslims brave bombs to worship,” LA Times, June 14, 2011. Available at
[xx] “Terrorists chalk out plan to target Ahmedis,” Daily Times, June 14, 2011. Available at
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