Survey shows many Pakistanis view U.S. killing of Bin Laden negatively; Bin Laden’s youngest wife to return to Yemen;  Activist says civilians should use momentum against military to weaken their “grip on power”; Five militants killed in checkpoint ambush in Khyber Agency; Police failed to respond to threats leading up to Matani blast; Commissions to investigate Abbottabad raid and Shahzad murder approved; Suspect arrested in Bhatti murder investigation; India and Pakistan hope to make modest progress in peace talks; Pakistan braces for floods.


U.S.-Pakistan Relations

  • A survey done by the Pew Research Center shows the majority of Pakistanis view the killing of Osama Bin Laden negatively. Positive views towards Bin Laden among Pakistanis had declined in recent years, but the Pew survey shows 63% disapprove of the U.S. raid that killed Bin Laden and 55% think it is a “bad thing” he is dead. Also, only 12% view the U.S. favorably, 8% have confidence in President Barack Obama, and 6% see the U.S. as a partner versus the 69% who see the U.S. as an enemy. The survey also shows that while only 12% of Pakistanis view the Taliban and al Qaeda favorably, 19% view the Tehrik-e-Taliban (TTP) favorably and 27% view the Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT,) who executed the Mumbai attacks, favorably. Additionally, Pakistanis support U.S. involvement in the fight against terrorism in a declining fashion as it pertains to “financial and humanitarian aid” (54%,) “intelligence and logistical support” (46%,) and “conducting drone strikes in conjunction with the Pakistani government against leaders of extremist groups” (21%.) The survey also shows that support for Pakistani military operations targeting extremists has declined from 53% two years ago to 37% today. Pakistanis also still see India as the greatest threat to Pakistan by a significant margin.[i]

  • On Tuesday, the Senate unanimously confirmed CIA director Leon Panetta as the U.S.’s next Secretary of Defense. During Panetta’s recent visit to Islamabad, he emphasized the importance of the U.S.-Pakistan relationship but also confronted top political and military officials about possible collusion between Pakistani security officials and militants.[ii]

  • In light of rising animosity towards the U.S., Pakistanis have begun to seek Chinese influence in Pakistan, the Washington Post reports. The Mayor of Abbottabad, the location of last month’s U.S. raid that killed Bin Laden, has stated that China is “our path to prosperity.” In recent years, China has shied away from involvement in Pakistan due to continuing instability, but China is likely to become closer to Pakistan as its economic rivalry with India, as opposed to Pakistan’s historic one, intensifies.[iii]

Bin Laden Wife to Leave Pakistan

SCBA Head Pushes against MIlitary


  • On Wednesday, five militants were killed in an ambush on a police checkpoint near the town of Bara in Khyber Agency. Over thirty militants attacked the checkpoint and killed one policeman. In a separate incident on Wednesday, militants ambushed security personnel in the Dabori area of Upper Orakzai Agency. Four militants were killed in the ensuing clash. Additionally, twin blasts in Jamrud Tehsil, Khyber Agency killed two people on Wednesday.[vii]


Judicial Probes

Bhatti Murder Arrest

India-Pakistan Relations

  • India and Pakistan hope to “nudge forward their peace process” in Thursday’s talks in Islamabad. Reuters reports “hopes [are] being kept deliberately low,” given a history of “false starts” in these negotiations. An Indian government source told Reuters no one should expect “quick and dramatic solutions.”[xi]

Flood Risks


[i] “Support for Campaign Against Extremists Wanes: U.S. Image in Pakistan Falls No Further Following bin Laden Killing,” Pew Research Center, June 21, 2011. Available at
[ii] “100-to-0 Vote Puts Panetta in Top Post,” New York Times, June 21, 2011. Available at
[iii] “Pakistan courts China as relations with the U.S. grow strained,” Washington Post, June 22, 2011. Available at
[iv] “Osama bin Laden wife to leave Pakistan for Yemen,” Guardian, June 22, 2011. Available at
[v] “Pakistani activist urges civilians to challenge military,” Reuters, June 21, 2011. Available at
[vi] “Four army majors questioned over links to Hizbut Tehrir,” Reuters, June 22, 2011. Available at
[vii] “Five militants killed in ambush at checkpoint: Officials,” AFP/Express Tribune, June 22, 2011. Available at
“Pakistan policeman, five rebels killed in ambush,” AFP, June 22, 2011. Available at
[viii] “Police blamed for Matani blast,” Dawn¸ June 22, 2011. Available at
[ix] “Abbottabad raid and Saleem Shahzad commissions set up,” Express Tribune, June 22, 2011. Available at
“Shahzad was killed in Islamabad: police,” Express Tribune, June 22, 2011. Available at
[x] “Shahbaz Bhatti murder: Suspect arrested in Islamabad,” Express Tribune, June 22, 2011. Available at
[xi] “India, Pakistan aim to nudge peace process,” Reuters, June 22, 2011. Available at
[xii] “Five million Pakistanis at risk from floods, says U.N.,” Reuters, June 22, 2011. Available at
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