CIA Pakistan chief leaves country; U.S. to “redouble” strikes on al Qaeda leadership: Lute; Pakistan adds travel restrictions for foreign diplomats; Pasha asks U.S. to stop drone strikes; U.S. delayed bin Laden raid; U.N. adds TTP to sanctions list; China says Xinjiang attacked by terrorists trained in Pakistan; Pasha misses Abbottabad commission session; Drone strike kills four in S. Waziristan; Militants plan for Ramadan; Bahadur militants deny they ordered rival groups to leave N. Waziristan; Mohmand border area 90% secured in military operation; July: 200 killed in Karachi; TTP and LeJ militants arrested in Karachi and Lahore; LeJ kill eleven Shiites in Quetta; NATO tankers torched in Khairpur; Nowshera unrecovered from floods.


U.S.-Pakistan Relations

TTP Put on U.N. Sanction List

China Blames Attack on Terrorists Trained in Pakistan

Abbottabad Commission



TTP and LeJ arrests

  • On Sunday, police arrested ten militants belonging to the TTP and Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ). Four TTP and three LeJ militants were arrested in Karachi, while three militants were arrested in Lahore, one of whom was also affiliated with LeJ. The other two militants arrested in Lahore are allegedly affiliated with “Ilyas Kashmiri’s group,” Harkat-ul Jihad-al-Islami (HuJI). Kashmiri was reported dead after a June 3 drone strike.[xiv]


NATO Tankers Attacked


[i] “CIA Chief Leaves Pakistan,” VOA, July 30, 2011. Available at
“CIA chief’s departure ‘not to harm ties,’” Dawn, Aug. 1, 2011. Available at
“Osama Bin Laden: CIA Station Chief of Team That Found Bin Laden Leaves Pakistan,” ABC News, July 30, 2011. Available at
[ii] “U.S. is refocused on covert strikes in Pakistan,” LA Times, July 30, 2011. Available at
[iii] “Pakistan restricts US diplomats’ travel,” AFP, July 31, 2011. Available at
“Report: US ambassador briefly detained in Pakistan,” The Hill, July 31, 2011. Available at
[iv] “ISI chief asked US to stop drone strikes,” Dawn, July 31, 2011. Available at
[v] “Pakistan-US relations: Fearing fallout, US ‘delayed’ Bin Laden raid,” ET, July 31, 2011. Available at
[vi] “U.N. Adds Pakistani Taliban to Sanctions List,” Reuters, July 29, 2011. Available at
[vii] “China says Xinjian attack linked to Pakistan,” AFP, Aug. 1, 2011. Available at
[viii] “DG ISI’s absence results in Abbottabad Commission session delay,” ET, Aug. 1, 2011. Available at
[ix] “US drone strike kills 4 in NW Pakistan,” AP, Aug. 1, 2011. Available at
[x] “Taliban ‘ban’ killings in Miramshah during Ramazan,” The News, July 31, 2011. Available at
“Taliban leaders may take Ramadan break: U.S. military,” Reuters, July 31, 2011. Available at
[xi] “No warning issued to militants: Hafiz Gul Bahadur,” The News, July 28, 2011. Available at
[xii] “Operation in Mohmand: ‘90pc border areas under army control,’” ET, July 31, 2011. Available at
[xiii] “Violence continues in Pakistan’s Karachi: 200 killed in July,” Reuters, Aug. 1, 2011. Available at
[xiv] “Police arrest 10 suspected Taliban, LeJ operatives,” ET, July 31, 2011. Available at
[xv] “11 Shiites in Pakistan Die in Sectarian Attacks,” NYT, July 31, 2011. Available at
[xvi] “Khairpur: 10 Nato tankers torched, 4 hurt,” Geo, Aug. 1, 2011. Available at
[xvii] “Anger still raw a year after Pakistani floods,” Reuters, July 31, 2011. Available at
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