Yemen: Al Qaeda-linked militants attack military base in Abyan

Horn of Africa: Al Shabaab arrests three youths in Lower Shabelle region; Baidoa resident reports al Shabaab arrested imams from local mosques; al Shabaab bans loudspeakers for prayer in Jowhar; al Shabaab militants display captured vehicles in Gedo region

Yemen Security Brief

  • Al Qaeda-linked militants operating in Abyan governorate attacked a military camp in Dofes. The militants were armed with rocket-launchers and automatic weapons. At least six Yemeni soldiers and an officer were killed, and thirty others were injured in the attack. Thirty militants were reported killed, including a Saudi, Abu Bakr, reportedly the local head of al Qaeda, and forty others were wounded.[1]

Horn of Africa Security Brief

  • Al Shabaab arrested three youths in Barawe in Lower Shabelle region. The group accused the youths of spying for Transitional Federal Government (TFG) intelligence agencies.[2]
  • A local resident in Baidoa, the capital of Bay region, reported that al Shabaab militants arrested the imams from three mosques in Baidoa’s Towba, al Qudus, and Hawl Wadag neighborhoods.[3]
  • Al Shabaab in Jowhar in Middle Shabelle region ordered imams to keep the tahajjud prayer, which is a voluntary, nighttime prayer, secret. The group forbade the use of loudspeakers during that prayer.[4]
  • Al Shabaab militants displayed six captured vehicles and trucks, taken from TFG forces in Busar, near Elwaq in Gedo region.[5]

[1] “Yemen Army Hits Back After al-Qaeda Attack: Officials,” AFP, August 23, 2011. Available:
“Yemen Airstrikes Kill 30 Militants; 8 Soldiers Die,” AP, August 24, 2011. Available:
[2] “Al-Shabab Withdraws 3 Spy Suspects from Their Houses in Barawe,” Mareeg Online, August 24, 2011. Available:
“Al Shabaab Arrests Young People Accused of Having Links with TFG,” Shabelle Media Network, August 24, 2011. Available:
[3] “Al-Shabaab Detains Imams in Baidoa Town, Bay Region,” Radio Bar-Kulan, August 24, 2011. Available:
[4] “Al-Shabaab Bans Loudspeakers in Jowhar Mosques,” Radio Bar-Kulan, August 24, 2011. Available:
[5] “Shabab Displays Captured Armed Vehicles from T.F.G. in Bardhere,” Mareeg Online, August 24, 2011. Available:
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