U.S. intelligence agencies investigate ISI links to Haqqani Network; Pakistan’s top military officials meet to discuss “prevailing security situation”; CENTCOM Chief meets with Kayani; Kayani cancels trip to U.K.; Haqqani Network challenges U.S. to military intervention in North Waziristan; Pakistan Army acknowledges ties to Haqqani Network; Gilani cites “confusion and policy disarray” as motive for U.S. accusations against Pakistan, calls Khar back to Pakistan; Gilani calls for united stand “in face of U.S. pressure”; Malik charges the U.S. with creating Haqqani Network; U.S. Ambassador to Pakistan meets with Pakistan’s Foreign Secretary, Obama Administration stresses “important relationship” between U.S. and Pakistan; Senator Graham urges military leaders to consider “all options” to defend U.S. troops; U.S. Deputy Secretary of State for South Asia encourages enhancement of U.S.-Pakistan ties; Former prime minster calls for an end to U.S. drone strikes in Pakistan; Political leader calls for parliament session in light of U.S.-Pakistan tensions; Chinese security officials visit Pakistan; Pakistan launches offensive in Afghanistan border region; India forced to halt construction of dam project; Karachi police arrest TTP leader; Rangers seize buried weapons; Karachi police to purchase armored vehicles to combat Karachi violence; PML-N president criticizes government for failure to brief parliament on Karachi violence; Security forces kill TTP leader; Police seize arms in Peshawar; Pakistan closes cell-towers in North Waziristan; 14 militants killed in Orakzai; CIA drone kills three suspected militants in North Waziristan; LeJ attacks another bus of Shia passengers; Zardari calls for probe into killing of Shia pilgrims; 12-year-old arrested for planting bomb in Quetta; Men with Pakistan links arrested in U.K.; Turkmenistan rejects component of TAPI pipeline project.

U.S.-Pakistan Relations  

Pakistan-China Relations  

  • China’s Public Security Minister, Meng Jianzhu, made a visit to Pakistan to discuss bilateral cooperation against Chinese militants who have found a safe haven in northwest Pakistan.  Interior Minister Rehman Malik announced on Sunday that Pakistan security forces had killed “several Chinese militants” and commented that China “always stands with [Pakistan] in difficult times.” Dawn reported that, according to commentators, China could “one day replace the U.S. as [Pakistan’s] main foreign benefactor.”[15]  

Afghanistan-Pakistan Relations  

  • Pakistan has reportedly been firing mortars and rockets into neighboring Afghanistan since Wednesday, according to Afghan officials. The attacks have been focused on Kunar province, Afghanistan, although firing had also been reported in Nuristan province.  Pakistani military officials confirmed a clash between Pakistan security forces and Afghan militants that resulted in the death of one soldier and 15 militants but denied the accusation that Pakistan had launched a mortar or rocket attack.[16]

Pakistan-India Relations  

  • The Court of Arbitration ruled in favor of “Pakistan’s application seeking a stay order on construction of the Kishanganga Hydroelectric Project (KHEP)” on Saturday.  This ruling was considered a “rare victory for Pakistan” against India. Pakistan has previously argued that the dam project would violate the Indus Waters Treaty signed by the two countries in 1960.[17]  

Karachi Violence  


  • A top TTP leader, Qari Basit, was killed on Saturday during a clash between militants and security forces in Nowshera.  Security forces confirmed the death of the TTP leader, adding that Basit was “wanted in several cases of murder, robbery, and terrorism including killing of security persons.”  Basit reportedly escaped from jail in 2007 after being sentenced to 25 years imprisonment and had recently been tasked with coordinating militant funding for the TTP.[22]    

  • Police confiscated a large cache of weapons and arrested three suspects in Peshawar on Friday.  The arms were reportedly destined for Punjab and Sindh to likely be used in acts of terrorism, according to police.[23]  


  • Despite U.S. pressure, Pakistan will not be taking military action against the Haqqani Network in North Waziristan, according to Pakistan Army spokesman Major General Athar Abbas.  Abbas further warned against U.S. unilateral action in North Waziristan, citing that any action “would fuel anti-U.S. sentiment in Pakistan.”  Abbas said that Pakistan was taking steps to combat terrorism in North Waziristan; specifically, Pakistan had closed cell-phone towers to “prevent terrorists from communicating and coordinating their activities.”[24]  

  • Fourteen militants were killed by security forces during a helicopter attack on two known militant sanctuaries in Orakzai and Khyber agency on Saturday.  Another 4 militants were killed in the Tirah Valley in a separate bombing by security forces.[25]  

  • A house in North Waziristan was targeted in a drone strike on Friday, killing three suspected Taliban militants, some of which may have been foreigners, according to security officials in Miram Shah.[26]  




  • Turkmenistan has rejected “the gas pricing formula proposed by its prospective buyers in the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) pipeline project.”  This decision comes only weeks after the U.S. pushed the TAPI pipeline project as an alternative to the Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline and has been seen as a “as a blow to the U.S.-backed [TAPI] project.”  The four stakeholder countries reportedly have ten days to negotiate a new gas pricing formula.[31]  

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[13] “US drone attacks in Balochistan won’t be tolerated: Jamali,” The News, September 25, 2011. Available at
“Haqqani group was once CIA’s “blue-eyed boy”, says Khar,” Dawn, September 26, 2011. Available at http://www.dawn.com/2011/09/26/haqqani-group-was-once-cias-%e2%80%9cblue-eyed-boy%e2%80%9d-says-khar.html
[14] Qamar Zaman, “Opposition lends voice to chorus: Parliament should discuss row with US, says Nisar,” Express Tribune, September 25, 2011. Available at http://tribune.com.pk/story/259313/opposition-lends-voice-to-chorus-parliament-should-discuss-row-with-us-says-nisar/
[15] “Top Chinese security official visits Pakistan,” Dawn, September 26, 2011. Available at http://www.dawn.com/2011/09/26/top-chinese-security-official-visits-pakistan.html
[16] “Pakistan army shelling Afghan border areas: officials,” Reuters, September 25, 2011. Available at http://old.news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20110925/wl_nm/us_afghanistan_pakistan
[17] Farooq Tirmizi, “Rare victory: Pakistan wins stay order against Indian dam,” Express Tribune, September 25, 2011. Available at http://tribune.com.pk/story/259650/court-of-arbitration-halts-construction-of-kishanganga-dam/
[18] “TTP commander arrested in Karachi,” Dawn, September 24, 2011. Available at  http://www.dawn.com/2011/09/24/ttp-commander-arrested-in-karachi.html
[19] “Arms found buried in Karachi plot,” Dawn, September 25, 2011. Available at
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[22] Iftikhar Firdous, “TTP leader killed,” Express Tribune, September 24, 2011. Available at
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[24] Kamran Yousaf, “North Waziristan: Army brass votes down Haqqani manhunt,” Express Tribune, September 26, 2011. Available at http://tribune.com.pk/story/260501/north-waziristan-army-brass-votes-down-haqqani-manhunt/
[25] “14 militants killed in Orakzai, Khyber Agency,” Geo, September 24, 2011. Available at http://geo.tv/9-24-2011/86641.htm
[26] “US drone strike kills three in North Waziristan,” Dawn, September 23, 2011. Available at
[27] Muhammad Ejaz Khan, “Quetta target killings claim three lives,” The News, September 24, 2011. Available at
[28] “Probe into Mastung killing ordered,” Dawn, September 25, 2011. Available at http://www.dawn.com/2011/09/25/probe-into-mastung-killing-ordered.html
[29] Shehzad Baloch, “Sectarian violence: 12-year-old arrested while planting explosives,” Express Tribune, September 25, 2011. Available at http://tribune.com.pk/story/259900/sectarian-violence-12-year-old-arrested-while-planting-explosives/
[31] Zafar Bhutta, “TAPI gas pipeline: Turkmenistan says no to a raw deal,” Express Tribune, September 25, 2011. Available at
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