Obama committed to improving U.S.-Pakistan relations; Mullen stresses importance of U.S.-Pakistan partnership; Clinton acknowledges former U.S. support of Haqqanis; Zardari calls for end of “verbal arrows”; Khar interview aired on CNN; Gilani applauds unity at APC, anti-U.S. protests erupt; Afghanistan accuses ISI of involvement in Rabbani assassination; Haqqani leader denies Rabbani assassination involvement; Pakistan voices support for Palestinian statehood; Zardari applauds Pakistan-China relations; Pakistani Taliban and Haqqani Network form unit of ruthless killers; Clash in Orakzai agency kills 12 militants; Salman Taseer’s murderer sentenced to death; 80 percent of Karachi back to normal, says Wasan; Gunmen open fire on police during search operation in Karachi; NATO containers torched in Mach; Police killed, weapons seized in KP; Two security officials killed in KP over the weekend; Pakistan reviews ICA decision on India’s Kishenganga Dam project; Militants killed in Indian-administered Kashmir; Musharraf calls for next election to be supervised by Army; TTP unsure of support for Pakistan in event of U.S. attack; Washington Post reports on “enforced disappearances”; Gilani to negotiate with “decommissioned” terrorists.

U.S.-Pakistan Relations

Pakistani Politics

Afghanistan-Pakistan Relations

Pakistan-Palestine Relations

Pakistan-China Relations

  • During the weekend, Zardari celebrated Pakistan’s “special relationship” with China, labeling it a “multifaceted friendship that [had] stood the test of time.”  China and Pakistan commemorated the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries and Zardari told the Chinese that Pakistan remained committed to working with China for a “more peaceful and prosperous world.”[10]


  • The Pakistani Taliban and the Haqqani Network have reportedly formed an elite unit of ruthless fighters, called the Khurasan unit, to launch attacks against those suspected of “helping the Americans of their Pakistani government and military allies.”  The Khurasan unit, which is comprised of hundreds of militants operating in North Waziristan, has repeatedly targeted, tortured, and killed those suspected of being spies for the U.S. and Pakistan; however, recently, the unit has become so brutal that it has “alienated some of the militant leaders who created [it].”  Hafiz Gul Bahadur, the top Taliban leader in North Waziristan, allegedly attempted to correct the Khurasan unit and failed. Just this week, an Afghan couple was shot and killed on suspicion of spying.[11] 

  • A firefight between militants and security forces on Saturday morning resulted in the death of 12 militants and one soldier.  The clash broke out when militants attacked a convoy of security forces in upper Orakzai agency.[12]

Taseer Murder

Karachi Violence



Pakistan-India Relations

  • Experts in Pakistan’s Ministry of Law have concluded that last week’s International Court of Arbitration (ICA) decision ordering India to halt further construction of its Kishenganga Dam project makes it economically unfeasible for India to continue construction. The ICA also cautioned India that the construction of other water projects could proceed at India’s own risk but must be compliant with the Indus Water Treaty (IWT).[19]

  • Indian troops killed four suspected militants on Saturday night when they refused to surrender after crossing into Indian-administered Kashmir.[20]




[1] “Obama urges Pakistan to tackle Haqqani problem,” Reuters, September 30, 2011. Available at http://old.news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20110930/pl_nm/us_usa_pakistan_obama
Chris Allbritton and Missy Ryan, “U.S. reassures Pakistan amid anti-American protests,” Reuters, September 30, 2011. Available at http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/09/30/us-pakistan-usa-idUSTRE78T57X20110930
Anwar Iqbal, “US readies plan to tackle Haqqanis,” Dawn, October 2, 2011. Available at http://www.dawn.com/2011/10/02/us-readies-plan-to-tackle-haqqanis.html
[2] Mike Mullen, “Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Change of Office Ceremony,” Joints Chiefs of Staff, September 30, 2011. Available at http://www.jcs.mil/speech.aspx?ID=1653
[3] Hillary Rodham Clinton, “Remarks at the Kumpuris Distinguished Lecture Series: Audience Question and Answer Segment,” U.S. Department of State, September 30, 2011. Available at http://www.state.gov/secretary/rm/2011/09/174877.htm
[4] Asif Ali Zardari, “Talk to, not at, Pakistan,” Washington Post, October 1, 2011. Available at http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/talk-to-not-at-pakistan/2011/09/30/gIQApFUBBL_story_1.html
[5] “Pakistan doing more than its share in fighting terror: Hina,” The News, October 3, 2011. Available at
[6] “Nation united on Pakistan’s sovereignty, says PM,” Dawn, October 1, 2011. Available at
Anti-US protests in Pakistan follow defiant declaration,” Dawn, September 30, 2011. Available at http://www.dawn.com/2011/09/30/anti-us-protests-in-pakistan-follow-defiant-declaration.html
[7] Hamid Shalizi, “Kabul hands Pakistan evidence on peace envoy killing,” Reuters, October 1, 2011. Available at
“Pakistan denies spy agency tied to Afghan killing,” Reuters, October 2, 2011. Available at
Shakeel Ahmed, “Gilani urges Kabul to stop blame game over Rabbani’s murder,” Dawn, October 2, 2011. Available at http://www.dawn.com/2011/10/02/gilani-urges-kabul-to-stop-blame-game-over-rabbanis-murder.html
“Hundreds of Afghans hold anti-Pakistan protest,” The News, October 3, 2011. Available at   http://www.thenews.com.pk/TodaysPrintDetail.aspx?ID=9281&Cat=13
[8] “Haqqani network denies killing Rabbani, ISI ties,” Dawn, October 3, 2011. Available at http://www.dawn.com/2011/10/03/haqqani-network-denies-killing-rabbani-isi-ties.html
[9] “Pakistan fully supports Palestinians’ demand for independent state: Naek,” The News, October 3, 2011. Available at http://www.thenews.com.pk/TodaysPrintDetail.aspx?ID=9283&Cat=13
[11] Michael Georgy, “Dreaded militant hit squad goes rogue in Pakistan,” Reuters, October 2, 2011. Available at
[12] “12 militants, soldier killed in Orakzai clash,” The News, October 2, 2011. Available at
[13] Salman Masood, “Pakistani Is Sentenced in Killing of Governor,” New York Times, October 2, 2011. Available at  http://www.nytimes.com/2011/10/02/world/asia/guard-sentenced-to-death-in-slaying-of-pakistani-governor.html?_r=2
[14] “Karachi has returned to normalcy, says Wassan,” The News, October 3, 2011. Available at
[15] “Police fiasco at Kati Pahari,” The News, October 3, 2011. Available at http://www.thenews.com.pk/NewsDetail.aspx?ID=23792
“Five alleged target killers arrested in Karachi,” Dawn, October 3, 2011. Available at
[16] “Two NATO containers torched, driver killed in Mach,” The News, October 2, 2011. Available at
“Firing at Quetta Express injures 6,” Geo, October 2, 2011. Available at  http://geo.tv/10-2-2011/86980.htm
[17] “Bomb hits police van in KP, kills three,” Dawn, October 1, 2011. Available at http://www.dawn.com/2011/10/01/bomb-hits-police-van-in-kp-kills-one.html
“Arms smuggling bid foiled in Peshawar,” Geo, October 3, 2011. Available at http://geo.tv/10-3-2011/87033.htm
[18] Muhammad Farooq, “IB official shot dead in Swabi,” The News, October 3, 2011. Available at http://www.thenews.com.pk/TodaysPrintDetail.aspx?ID=70516&Cat=7
“Cop killed in ambush on lashkar chief,” The News, October 2, 2011. Available at
[19] Jamal Shahid, “Decision on Kishanganga Dam a success,” Dawn, October 2, 2011. Available at
[20] “Four suspected militants killed in Indian-administered Kashmir,” Dawn, October 2, 2011. Available at
[21] Murtaza Ali Shah, “Musharraf wants SC, army to hold next elections,” The News, October 2, 2011. Available at
[22] “Taliban unsure about supporting Pakistan if US attacks: TTP,” Dawn, October 1, 2011. Available at
[23] Karen Brulliard, “In Pakistan, a pattern of disappearances,” Washington Post, October 2, 2011. Available at
[24] Amjad Mahmood, “Govt will talk to anyone who ‘decommissions’ himself: PM,” Dawn, October 3, 2011. Available at http://www.dawn.com/2011/10/03/govt-will-talk-to-anyone-who-decommissions-himself-pm-2.html
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