Abbas announces deployment of army to border; U.S. positions troops along NWA border; Pakistan “capable” of working with U.S., says Toner; NATO Secretary General encourages U.S.-Pakistan relationship; Clinton to visit Pakistan with Petraeus and Dempsey; Pakistan and India to discuss trade agreement; Malik says Taliban must “give up arms” for negotiations; Karachi police arrest “target killer”; Militants kill 9 Pakistani soldiers in Khyber agency; Pakistan Army deploys to Kalash valley in KP; Police suspended over death of “militant”; Abbottabad Commission interviews al Kuwaiti widow; Details of attack on Bhutto convoy; Diamer-Bhasha Dam stone laying ceremony.

Troop Movements on Af-Pak Border

U.S.-Pakistan Relations

Pakistan-India Relations

  • In an interview with The Financial Times, Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar said that Pakistan would take steps toward granting India Most Favored Nation (MFN) status in “an effort to break a long-standing deadlock in trade and investment that has hurt both economies” since the two countries gained independence in 1947.  Bilateral trade talks have been suspended for the past three years following the 2008 terrorist attacks on Mumbai.[6]

Pakistani Taliban

Karachi Violence



Abbottabad Commission

  • The Abbottabad Commission, which is investigating the May 2 raid by U.S. Special Operations Forces on the compound of deceased al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, announced that it had “conducted an exhaustive interview” with the widow of Abu Ahmed al Kuwaiti.  Al Kuwaiti, who owned and lived in the Abbottabad compound with the bin Laden family and his wife, was shot and killed during the May 2 raid and his wife was later detained by Pakistani authorities.[12]

Bhutto Assassination Attempt Anniversary

Dam Project

  • During a ceremony on Tuesday, Prime Minister Gilani “laid the foundation stone” of Pakistan’s Diamer-Bhasha Dam.  The dam, which is being built in Gilgit-Baltistan, is expected to boost Pakistan’s economy through job creation and will “help meet the country’s future agricultural and power requirements.”  Pakistan’s Minister for Water and Power, Syed Naveed Qamar, commented that the dam project would also “usher in a new era of development” in Pakistan.[14]

[1] “Troops increased at check posts with Afghan border: DG ISPR,” Dawn, October 18, 2011. Available at
[2] “Hundreds of US troops seal NWA border,” Geo, October 17, 2011. Available at
Malik Mumtaz Khan, “US troops retreat from NWA as border reopens,” The News, October 18, 2011. Available at
[3] “US confident of Islamabad’s ability to work on shared challenges,” Dawn, October 18, 2011. Available at
[4] “West must keep Pakistan ties, says Nato chief,” The News, October 18, 2011. Available at
[5] Josh Rogin, “Clinton to give Pakistan diplomacy one more big push,” Foreign Policy, October 17, 2011. Available at
[6] Farhan Bokhari and James Lamont, “Pakistan and India in historic trade push,” Financial Times, October 17, 2011. Available at
[8] “Karachi police arrest ‘target killer’ involved in 42 murders,” Dawn, October 18, 2011. Available at
[9] Lehaz Ali, “Nine Pakistani troops killed in northwest: officials,” AFP, October 17, 2011. Available at
[10] Declan Walsh “Taliban threat closes in on isolated Kalash tribe,” Guardian, October 17, 2011. Available at
“Pakistan: Kalash valley culture at risk from Taliban,” Guardian, October 17, 2011. Available at
[11] Manzoor Ali, “Peshawar incident: 9 policemen suspended for killing innocent man,” Express Tribune, October 18, 2011. Available at
[12] “May 2 probe: Abbottabad panel interviews AlKuwaiti’s widow,” Express Tribune, October 18, 2011. Available at
[13] “Fourth anniversary: President pledges not to let sacrifices of October 18 victims go in vain,” Express Tribune, October 18, 2011. Available at
Faraz Khan, “Benazir convoy attack: Brains behind Oct 18 attack visited Karachi twice since,” Express Tribune, October 18, 2011. Available at
“Before the assassination: ‘Benazir was about to reveal Musharraf’s rigging plan,’” Express Tribune, October 18, 2011. Available at
[14] “PM Gilani lays foundation stone for Diamer-Bhasha Dam,” Express Tribune, October 18, 2011. Available at
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