U.S. officials deny NATO attack intentional, Obama decides against issuing formal apology to Pakistan; Khar warns of attack’s repercussions, PCNS to release recommendations; ISPR refutes NYT reporting, Washington Post sees steps towards cooperation; U.S. Senate amends 2012 Defense Spending Bill; Pakistan may send Ambassador to Bonn Conference; Pakistani Supreme Court requests evidence in memogate case and orders Haqqani to stay in Pakistan; Sindh government jails MQM-Haqiqi leader; Commission on Shahzad slaying preparing to release findings; Bomb targets official in Peshawar; LI and tribesmen coalition attack Taliban base.

U.S.-Pakistan Relations

Bonn Conference Boycott



Saleem Shahzad Commission



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“U.S. Denies NATO Attack on Pakistani Troops Deliberate,” New York Times, November 30, 2011. Available at http://www.nytimes.com/reuters/2011/11/30/world/asia/international-us-pakistan-nato.html?_r=1&ref=world
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