Militant websites post video of al Qaeda’s second-in-command; U.S. and Pakistani officials holding secret talks over counterterrorism cooperation; President Zardari calls for U.S. and Pakistan to bridge trust deficit; U.S. Defense Secretary Panetta’s comments in Kabul derail talks over reopening NATO supply lines; Pakistani Foreign Minister says transit fees are not the cause behind impasse over supply route negotiations; Senior U.S. government official says Pakistan should ‘bite the bullet’; NATO Secretary-General hopes for supply routes agreement in ‘not too distant future’; Russian energy giant offers bid on IP gas pipeline; Pakistani Supreme Court orders Husain Haqqani to appear at hearing; Pakistani cleric declares jihad on polio campaign; Gunmen kill local PML-N leader.

Drone Strikes and the Death of Top al Qaeda Leader

U.S.-Pakistan Relations

NATO Supply Routes

International Relations

Memogate and Domestic Politics


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