Yemen: Senior police official killed by car bomb in Aden; President Hadi warns Iran of continuing to meddle in Yemen; eighty percent of landmines in Zinjibar removed

Horn of Africa: Two grenades hurled at a restaurant wound five in Wajir town; diplomatic sources report Ethiopian prime minister suffers from critical illness in Brussels hospital, other sources say treatment was effective; Hiraan administration imposes nighttime curfew for two consecutive nights to launch search operation; Las Anod district commissioner resigns

Yemen Security Brief

  • Col. Abdullah al Maouzaei, a senior police official tasked with tracking down al Qaeda-linked militants, was killed by an explosive device in his car in Aden, according to a Yemeni provincial official. Maouzaei had survived three prior assassination attempts. No one has claimed responsibility for the attack.[1]
  • Following the dismantling of a Iranian spy ring in Yemen, Yemeni President Abdu Rabbu Mansour al Hadi threatened that Iran would “pay the price” if it continued to conduct espionage activities and meddle with Yemen on July 18. Hadi said, “I will take the necessary steps, and a heavy price will be paid if you continue with this manner,” on state TV. Hadi added that he would publicly reveal information proving Iran’s espionage activity in Yemen.[2]
  • Yemeni authorities announced that eighty percent of all landmines in Zinjibar in Abyan governorate have been successfully removed on July 18. Military Committee spokesman Ali Saeed Obaid said, “All public offices and schools are now free from landmines.” The comments were made at a disarmament ceremony, where 1518 landmines were detonated.[3]

Horn of Africa Security Brief

  • Two grenades exploded at a restaurant and wounded at least five people in Wajir town near the Kenyan-Somali border on July 18. Officials from Nairobi blame al Shabaab for the attack and the series of grenade attacks in northeast Kenya.[4]
  • Diplomatic sources reported that 57-year-old Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi is critically ill and receives regular, private treatments at a hospital in Brussels. He has not been seen by the public in several weeks and his condition has been kept confidential. However, Ethiopian government spokesman Bereket Simon reported that the Zenawi received his treatment and is in good condition.[5]
  • The Hiraan regional administration implemented a nighttime, town-wide curfew after the demolition of structures along the main road in Beledweyne on July 18. According to Mayor Mohamed Hasan Nuriye, the curfew will take effect at 7:00 P.M. until morning for two nights. During the evening, Somali troops will reportedly conduct search operations.[6]
  • Las Anod district commissioner Mohamed Hajji Hussein resigned days after his arrest alongside his deputy due to a disagreement with the regional governor and police chief that escalated to a physical confrontation on July 17. Hussein said that he felt unspecified pressure from his superiors in the administration and he bashed the regional governor, Mohamed Mohamed Ali.[7]   

[1] “Yemen: Senior Policeman Charged with Hunting al-Qaida Killed by Bomb in Car,” AP, July 19, 2012. Available:
[2] “Yemen President Warns Iran to Stop Meddling, Says He Has Evidence of Spy Ring,” AP, July 18, 2012. Available:
[3] “Yemen Says About to Remove All Landmines in Abyan,” Yemen Post, July 18, 2012. Available:
[4] “Grenade Attack in Northeast Kenya Wounds Five,” Shabelle Media Network, July 19, 2012. Available:
[5] “Ethiopia PM Meles in ‘Critical’ State in Brussels,” AFP, July 19, 2012. Available:
“Ethiopia Says Meles ‘in good’ Condition After Illness,” Reuters, July 18, 2012. Available:
“Meles Zenawai, Ethiopian Prime Minister, ‘critical,’ in Brussels Hospital,” The Telegraph, July 18, 2012. Available:
[6] “Nighttime Curfew Imposed On Beledweyne,” Bar Kulan, July 19, 2012. Available:
[7] “Las Anod District Commissioner Resigns,” Bar Kulan, July 19, 2012. Available:
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