Yemen: Yemeni police arrest six al Qaeda operatives in southern city of Aden; clashes break out between secessionist gunmen and Yemeni police in al Dhaleh governorate; al Houthi rebels reportedly amassing in Hajjah governorate

Horn of Africa: Six al Shabaab members in Burdhubo turn themselves in; TFG says al Shabaab deaths from August 23 air raids number 18; TFG forces arrest 15 suspected criminals in Baidoa; unknown gunmen kill religious teacher in Mogadishu

Yemen Security Brief

  • Yemeni police raided several neighborhoods in the southern city of Aden, arresting six suspected al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) members. The arrests began when local police captured two suspected al Qaeda members in the Dar Saad neighborhood of Aden on the night of August 23. They later arrested the imam of a local mosque in the al Mansoura district. The police then raided a second house in the Crater neighborhood, resulting in the capture of three men early on August 24.[1]
  • Southern secessionist gunmen clashed with Yemeni police in al Dhaleh governorate while attempting to free fellow secessionists from a prison. Yemeni security forces did not report any casualties; however, local medics were called to the scene to aid three wounded civilians. Although police believe these clashes are linked to the arrest of three pro-secession activists yesterday, southern secessionists could not be reached for confirmation. [2]
  • Heavily armed al Houthi rebels are amassing in Hajjah governorate, according to local reporting from the governorate capital. Al Houthi rebels are reportedly ready to wage war on the al Abadallah tribe after it announced its intent to join the Yemeni Islah (Reform) party. In response, the al Abadallah tribe has prepared its gunmen for an imminent al Houthi attack.[3]

Horn of Africa Security Brief

  • A group of six al Shabaab militants surrendered themselves to the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) forces in Burdhubo town in Gedo region on August 23, according to a local government spokesman. The men will be sent to a rehabilitation program for defected al Shabaab members in the town.[4]
  • TFG spokesman in Gedo region Aden Ahmed Hirsi said that the August 23 airstrikes by Kenyan Defense Forces on Bardhere resulted in 18 al Shabaab deaths.[5]
  • TFG forces arrested 15 men in the Mursal neighborhood of Baidoa city in Bay region on August 23. The arrested men are suspected to be members of criminal organizations operating in the city.[6]
  • Two unidentified assailants gunned down a religious teacher in the Wajadir district of Mogadishu late on August 23. TFG forces arrested 9 suspects after the incident. The reason for the attack is still unknown.[7]

[1]  “Yemen Police Arrest 6 al Qaeda Suspects: Official,” Ahram Online, August, 24, 2012. Available:
[2]  “Yemeni Police Exchange Fire with Secessionist Gunmen in South,” Xinhua, August 24, 2012. Available:
[3]  “Al Houthis and a Loyalist Tribe are Ready for Armed Conflict,” Mareb Press, August, 24, 2012 [Arabic]. Available:
[4] “6 alleged Al shabab fighters surrender to TFG forces,” Shabelle Media Network, August 23, 2012. Available:
[5] “Official: Eighteen militants killed in Kenyan Airstrikes,” Shabelle Media Network, August 24, 2012. Available:
[6] “Dozen arrested in Baidoa swoop,” Bar Kulan, August 24, 2012.  Available:
[7] “Unknown Gunmen murder a man in Mogadishu,” Shabelle Media Network, August 24, 2012. Available:
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