U.N. rapporteurs to create drone investigation committee; Pakistan says it has provided Afghanistan with information on Mullah Fazlullah’s whereabouts; Pakistani Foreign Office says Durand Line is internationally-recognized border; Two anti-Taliban jirga members killed in Swat; Police head constable killed in Shikarpur; U.K. intel sharing case could jeopardize relations with Pakistan and U.S.; PML-N President says he did not accept ISI money; High-level minister allegedly tried to prevent Malala Yousafzai’s family from visiting her; UN special envoy on global education to present petition to President Zardari; No cell service suspension on Eid-ul-Azha unless absolutely necessary; Nine killed in Karachi.

Drone Investigations

  • On Thursday, Ben Emmerson, the U.N. special rapporteur on counterterrorism and human rights confirmed that he and Christof Heyns, U.N. special rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary, or arbitrary executions would create a committee early next year to investigate drone attacks. Emmerson criticized the Obama administration for not expressly confirming or denying the drone program and flouting public accountability in doing so. Emmerson is concerned about civilian deaths due to drone strikes, and said that if states could not monitor targeted killings responsibly, the U.N. must step in as a last resort.[i]

Pakistan-Afghanistan Relations

  • Despite Kabul’s assertion that Mullah Fazlullah is not hiding in Afghanistan, Pakistani authorities claim that they have provided the Afghan government with credible information that suggests he is located in Nuristan and Kunar provinces. Fazlullah Wahidi, the governor of Kunar, recently said that Pakistan has not provided evidence of Fazlullah’s whereabouts, and that Fazlullah is actually operating from Pakistan. Pakistani Ambassador to Afghanistan Muhammad Sadiq claims that governor Wahidi is supporting Fazlullah “because without [Wahidi’s] support it [would] not be possible for the TTP men to move so freely [in Kunar]. The governor of Kunar has actually declared jihad against Pakistan Army.” According to a senior security official in Pakistan, a Nuristan police chief said in June that there are no signs that “anyone intends to eliminate Fazlullah,” even though he is causing problems for locals. The same police chief said that his forces could not confront Fazlullah and his men because the militants were more heavily armed than the police forces.[ii]

  • On Thursday, Pakistan’s Foreign Office Spokesman Mozzam Ahmed Khan declared that “the Durand Line between Pakistan and Afghanistan is the [internationally] recognized border between Pakistan and Afghanistan and it is a closed and settled issue.” Commenting on Afghanistan’s refusal to recognize the border, Khan said that Afghan officials must adopt a “responsible attitude,” and that Pakistan wanted to promote peaceful relations with Afghanistan.[iii]


  • Unknown militants shot and killed two anti-Taliban peace committee members in Charbagh, Swat.  One man was shot in front of a mosque while the other was shot at his home. In both incidents the gunmen were able to escape. Locals blamed the attack on the Taliban.[iv]

  • A police head constable was shot and killed by a gunman on a motorcycle in Shikarpur, Sindh on Thursday while two others were injured. The constable and civilian who were injured were sent to Shikarpur Civil Hospital where the constable was “referred to the Larkana Civil Hospital in a serious condition.”[v]

Pakistan-U.K.-U.S. Relations

  • In light of a recent petition filed by English lawyers that would render U.K. intelligence-sharing with the U.S. in drone campaigns unlawful, the British government said on Thursday that if a court case is granted, it “would risk denting ties” between Pakistan, the U.S., and the U.K. Lawyers of Britain’s foreign secretariat have refused to comment on any intelligence-sharing initiatives as that would be “prejudicial to the national interest.”[vi]

Election-Rigging Case

  • Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) President Nawaz Sharif “strongly” rejected allegations that he had accepted money from the ISI in the run-up to the 1990 election. He did not, however, object to the Federal Investigation Agency looking into the case.[vii]

Malala Yousafzai

  • According to a report by The News, a “powerful cabinet minister” had attempted to prevent Malala Yousafzai’s family from visiting her in the U.K. for fear that the family would seek asylum in the U.K. if permitted. Allegedly the minister wanted Malala to be moved to another country where her family would not be able to claim asylum to prevent “Pakistan’s enemies” from exploiting the situation. The News’ sources said that other ministers in attendance at meetings with this particular minister did not agree with his position, arguing that Malala and her family should be free to seek asylum in the U.K. because “she will be seen as a brave ambassador of Pakistan who defied the Taliban.” Malala’s father, however, has said that the family does not intend to leave Pakistan and that Malala will return to finish her final exams once her medical treatment has concluded.[viii]

  • Former British Prime Minister and current UN special envoy for global education Gordon Brown confirmed on Thursday that he would present a petition calling for “action to ensure every girl has a place at school in Pakistan and around the world” to President Asif Ali Zardari during a November trip to Pakistan. He praised children around the world standing up for their right to education, saying that “for one Malala shot and temporarily silenced, there are now thousands of younger Malalas ready to come forward who will not be silenced.”[ix]

Eid-ul-Azha Security

  • The Sindh High Court has directed the Interior Ministry not to suspend cell-phone service on the Eid-ul-Azha holiday Saturday “unless absolutely necessary.” Lawyer Tahir Pervez, who filed a petition against cell service suspension, argued that “every citizen pays a handsome amount [for mobile service] facility…[blocking cell-phone service] will deprive millions of users of their right to use the facility.” While it is unclear what the outcome will be on Saturday, the Interior Ministry has previously suspended cell-phone service on holidays due to security concerns.[x]

Karachi Violence

  • Nine people were killed in Karachi between Thursday and Friday. One man was killed by gunmen on a motorbike in a drive-by shooting. A young man was found dead within the remit of the Kalri police station. An unidentified body was found near Tibet Centre. A young man who was resisting a mugging was shot and killed in Orangi Town. Five people were killed by firing from gunmen on motorcycles while eating at a restaurant in Block 22 of the F.B. area.[xi]          


[i] Colum Lynch, “U.N. to probe drone attacks by U.S., others resulting in civilian deaths,” The Washington Post, October 25, 2012. Available at: http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/un-to-probe-drone-attacks-by-us-others-resulting-in-civilian-deaths/2012/10/25/3c4f454e-1ee8-11e2-9cd5-b55c38388962_story.html.
[ii] Amir Mir, “Pakistan pinpoints Fazlullah’s hideout across the border,” Geo, October 26, 2012. Available at http://www.thenews.com.pk/Todays-News-2-139638-Pakistan-pinpoints-Fazlullahs-hideout-across-the-border
[iii] “Durand Line issue settled and closed: Foreign Office,” Dawn, October 25, 2012. Available at: http://dawn.com/2012/10/25/durand-line-issue-settled-and-closed-foreign-office/.
[iv] “Gunmen kill two anti-Taliban elders in Swat,” Dawn, October 26, 2012. Available at http://dawn.com/2012/10/26/gunmen-kill-two-anti-taliban-elders-in-swat/
[v] “Policeman gunned down,” Dawn, October 26, 2012. Available at http://dawn.com/2012/10/26/policeman-gunned-down/
[vi] “UK says hearing into US drones in Pakistan would risk denting ties,” Express Tribune, October 25, 2012. Available at: http://tribune.com.pk/story/456806/uk-says-hearing-into-us-drones-in-pakistan-would-risk-denting-ties-report/.
[vii] “Asghar Khan case: Nawaz Sharif ‘strongly’ denies taking money from ISI,” Express Tribune, October 25, 2012. Available at: http://tribune.com.pk/story/456885/asghar-khan-case-nawaz-sharif-strongly-denies-taking-money-from-isi/.
[viii] Murtaza Ali Shah, “Minister tried to ‘block’ Malala family from leaving Pakistan,” The News International, October 26, 2012. Available at: http://www.thenews.com.pk/Todays-News-2-139635-Minister-tried-to-block-Malala-family-from-leaving-Pakistan.
[ix] Gordon Brown, “Malala Yousafzai’s courage can start new movement for global education,” The Guardian, October 25, 2012. Available at: http://www.guardian.co.uk/global-development/poverty-matters/2012/oct/25/malala-yousafzai-courage-global-education.
[x] “Eidul Azha: Govt directed not to suspend mobile services unless ‘necessary,’” Express Tribune, October 26, 2012. Available at: http://tribune.com.pk/story/457047/eidul-azha-govt-directed-not-to-suspend-mobile-services-unless-necessary/.
[xi] “MQM activist among four gunned down,” Dawn, October 26, 2012. Available at http://dawn.com/2012/10/26/mqm-activist-among-four-gunned-down/; “Five die in firing on Karachi restaurant,” Dawn, October 25, 2012. Available at http://dawn.com/2012/10/26/five-die-in-firing-on-karachi-restaurant/
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