Yemen: Security forces arrest reported senior al Qaeda leader in Abyan governorate; security forces reveal identities of two oil pipeline bombers; security forces arrest 11 gang members in Amran governorate; security forces seize telecommunications equipment in al Hudaydah port; Yemeni Navy is replacing older patrol boats with newer ones; al Houthis place new banners in Sana’a; security crackdown in Ibb governorate seizes weapons, cars, and wanted individuals; security committee removes tribal blockades on main road between Ma’rib and Sana’a; First Armored Division soldiers have a dispute with qat dealers in Sana’a

Horn of Africa: Somali and AMISOM troops attack al Shabaab bases near Burdhubo, Gedo region; Somali soldier shoots at a bus, kills a civilian in Mogadishu; a roadside bomb goes off in Balad, Middle Shabelle region; Somali troops attack al Shabaab militants outside Hudur, Bakool region; Ras Kamboni fighters shoot a civilian in Kismayo; unknown gunman shoots a civilian in Kismayo; the Somali government plans to integrate Ahlu Sunna wa al Jama’a militia soldiers into the Somali military

Yemen Security Brief

  • Security forces arrested a reported senior al Qaeda leader in Abyan governorate on November 29. The al Qaeda leader, identified as Suleiman Hassan Mohammad Morshed Awadh, was arrested in Zinjibar district. Awadh, also known as Abu Osama al Abi, was wanted by Yemeni security forces.[1]
  • Security forces identified the names of two individuals who bombed an oil pipeline in Ma’rib governorate on November 28. The individuals were identified as Naji Saleh Abbad al Zayedi and Ali Saeed Ahmad Ta’eeman.[2]
  • A local source reported on November 29 that security forces have arrested 11 individuals from four different gangs in Amran governorate between November 25 and November 30. The individuals are suspected of stealing electricity cables, phone lines, and murder.[3]
  • Security forces seized telecommunications equipment in al Hudaydah port on November 30. Local sources added that the equipment was found inside a shipment of televisions and bedroom sets.[4]
  • The Yemeni Navy is reportedly replacing its older-generation, U.S.-manufactured patrol ships with newer ones.[5]
  • A local source reported on November 30 that al Houthi rebels placed banners reading “Death to America, Death to Israel” at cemeteries in Sana’a. The banners were placed on the walls of the cemeteries, several of which are in close proximity to the U.S. Embassy in Sana’a.[6]
  • A security crackdown in Ibb governorate seized around 200 weapons and a number of vehicles, and captured 19 wanted individuals according to a local report on November 29. Director of Security in Ibb governorate Col. Fouad Mohammed al Atab called the security crackdown a success and thanked local citizens for their cooperation.[7]
  • A security committee reported on November 29 that it had succeeded in removing a number of tribal blockades on a main road between Ma’rib and Sana’a. Local sources added that gasoline and natural gas transportation trucks have already resumed their regular transportation routes to Sana’a.[8]
  • Soldiers from the First Armored Division reportedly had a dispute with qat sellers in Sana’a on November 29. Local sources added that a number of the qat sellers were arrested following the dispute.[9]

Horn of Africa Security Brief

  • Somali and AMISOM troops attacked al Shabaab bases near Burdhubo, Gedo region on November 29. Kenyan jets destroyed known al Shabaab training camps and arms depots. The number of casualties from the incident is not yet known.[10]
  • A Somali soldier shot at a bus in Tarabunka Square, Mogadishu on November 29, after the driver of the bus refused to pay the soldier money he demanded. One woman was killed and two others were injured. The Somali soldier was able to flee the scene before Somali security forces arrived.[11]
  • A roadside bomb went off at a Somali army base in the town of Balad, Middle Shabelle on November 30. Following the bomb blast, Somali soldiers were heard firing their guns. Casualties from the incident are not yet known and no group has claimed responsibility for the attack.[12]
  • Somali government soldiers launched an assault on al Shabaab militants who were planning to attack the town of Hudur, Bakool region on November 30. The governor of Bakool said the Somali troops were able to kill ten al Shabaab militants and suffered no losses themselves.[13] 
  • Fighters from the Ras Kamboni militia, allied with the Somali government, shot and killed a soccer player in Kismayo on November 30. After killing the man, the Ras Kamboni soldiers refused to let the body be cleared from the street. The reason behind the killing is not known.[14]
  • An unknown gunman shot and killed a civilian in Kismayo on November 30. The victim was shot outside his home in the Shaqaalaha district. The gunman was able to flee the scene and the reason for the murder is not yet known.[15]
  • The Somali government reached a preliminary deal with the Ahlu Sunna wa al Jama’a militia to integrate the group into the Somali military. Government officials will travel to the Galgudud region to oversee the reintegration and around 1,000 Ahlu Sunna wa al Jama’a fighters will become part of the government forces.[16] 

[1] “Arrest of Leader in the al Qaeda (Abu Osama al Abi) in Zinjibar in Abyan,” 26 September, November 29, 2012 [Arabic]. Available:
[2] “Seizure of Hand-Held Communications Equipment in a Container in al Hudaydah, Ma’rib Security Reveals the Identity the Bombers of the Oil Pipeline in Sirwah,” 26 September, November 30, 2012 [Arabic]. Available:
[3] “Arrest of Four Stealing Gangs in Amran and Return of 12 Stolen Vehicles,” 26 September, November 29, 2012 [Arabic]. Available:
[4] “Seizure of Hand-Held Communications Equipment in a Container in al Hudaydah, Ma’rib Security Reveals the Identity the Bombers of the Oil Pipeline in Sirwah,” 26 September, November 30, 2012 [Arabic]. Available:
[5] “Yemen Navy Plans to Buy New Patrol Boats,” Tactical Report, November 29, 2012. Available:
[6] “Al Houthis Overlook Sana’a Cemeteries with Slogans of ‘Death to America, Death to Israel,’” Barakish, November 30, 2012 [Arabic]. Available:
[7] “Ibb: Seizure of 200 Weapons and 20 Wanted Individuals in a Security Crackdown,” Ma’rib Press, November 29, 2012 [Arabic]. Available:
[8] “Source in a Military Committee Confirms Removal of a Number of Blockades on a Main Road between Ma’rib and Sana’a,” Ma’rib Press, November 29, 2012 [Arabic]. Available:
[9] “Soldiers from the First Division Arrested Qat Sellers after Assault on Them in Ma’yad Market in Sana’a,” al Masdar Online, November 29, 2012 [Arabic]. Available:
[10] “Gov’t Soldiers Battle al Shabaab in Gedo, Southwest Somalia,” Shabelle, November 29, 2012. Available:
[11] “Soldier Opens Fire on a Civilian Bus in Mogadishu, Kills One,” Shabelle, November 29, 2012. Available:
[12] “Bomb Blast Rocks Somali Army Base in Balad Town,” Shabelle, November 30, 2012. Available:
[13] “Fighting Erupts Near Hudur,” Bar Kulan, November 30, 2012. Available:
[14] “Ras Kamboni Militia Gun Down a Civilian in Kismayo,” Shabelle, November 30, 2012. Available:
[15] “Civilian Killed in Kismayo,” Bar Kulan, November 30, 2012. Available:
[16] “Government Signs Preliminary Deal with Ahlu Sunna,” Bar Kulan, November 30, 2012. Available:


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