China offers $500 million loan for Iran-Pakistan pipeline; India test fires cruise missile, aborts test; Militants attack Indian security forces in Srinagar; Pakistani soldier stoned to death; Balochistan police officers arrests children in connection with January bombings; TTP burns civilian houses in Tirah Valley; Indian authorities decide to keep Guru’s body, decision sparks uproar; Former Afghan intelligence chief accuses Pakistan of harboring Taliban leadership; U.S. intelligence director says al Qaeda threat to U.S. low; U.S. officials say Iran-al Qaeda ties weakening; Stocks recover from U.S. sanctions fear; Analyst accuses India of hindering trade; Several dead from firing incidents in Karachi.

Iran-Pakistan Pipeline

Indo-Pak Relations and Kashmiri Militancy



Domestic Politics

  • Speaking to the press on Tuesday, Pakistan's former president Pervez Musharraf’s spokesperson Khurram Haris announced that Musharraf will return to Pakistan on March 24th after a four-year exile in Dubai. According to Haris, Musharraf intends to take part in elections, and “will present himself to the courts” upon arriving to clear up contention over the assassination of former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto.[14]

U.S.-Pakistan Relations

  • In a speech on Tuesday, National Security Adviser Tom Donilon said a “crisis no longer loom[s] over US relationship with Pakistan,” explaining that while tensions and conflict still permeate relations, there is no imminent existential threat to relations.  He stressed the two countries’ common interests in fighting terrorism and extremism, and expressed the continued and increased need for cooperation between the two nations.[15]

Releasing Taliban Prisoners

[1] Zafar Bhutta, “Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline in snub to U.S., China offers 500m loan,” Express Tribune, March 13, 2013.  Available at
“Pak-Iran pipeline to fulfill 40% of Pakistan’s energy needs,” Express Tribune, March 12, 2013.  Available at
[2] “Pakistani stocks bounce back as fears of U.S. sanctions settle,” Dawn, March 12, 2013.  Available at
[3] “Militants Disguised as Cricketers Attack Indian Paramilitary, The Wall Street Journal, March 13, 2013. Available at
“Five killed in militant attack on police camp in Kashmir,”Reuters, March 13, 2013. Available at
[4] “India test-fires subsonic cruise missile,” Pakistan Today, March 12, 2013.  Available at
“India aborts testing of missile,” The News International, March 13, 2013.  Available at
[5] “Obstacles: report blames Indian hawks for impeding trade with Pakistan,” Express Tribune, March 13, 2013.  Available at
[6]  Mark Mistry, “Uproar in Kashmir over Afzal Guru’s body,” The Wall Street Journal, March 12, 2013.  Available at
[7] “Child soldiers?: Quetta police arrests eleven underage bombers,” Express Tribune, March 13, 2013. Available at
[8] “Militants clash with rival group, torch 10 houses in Tirah,” Dawn, March 13, 2013. Available at 
[9] “Karachi: Four policemen killed in one hour,” Geo, March 13, 2013. Available at          
[10] “Blast in van near Askari Park, Karachi; no casualties reported,” Geo, March 13, 2013. Available at
“Three cops among 10 killed in Karachi attacks,” The News, March 13, 2013. Available at
[11] “Tribesmen stone Pakistani soldier to death for alleged romantic relationship with woman,” The Washington Post, March 13, 2013. Available at
[12] “Remarks as delivered by James R. Clapper,” Director of National Intelligence Public Affairs office, March 12, 2013.  Available at
[13] “Iran-al Qaeda relationship is showing cracks, U.S. officials and analysts say,” Washington Post, March 12, 2013.  Available at
[14] “Ex-president Musharraf to return to Pakistan on March 24: aide,” Reuters, March 12, 2013.  Available at
[15] “Tension persists, but ties with Pakistan essential: Donilon,” Pakistan Today, March 13, 2013.  Available at
[16] “Release of Taliban detainees: Pakistan took money claims ex-afghan spymaster,” Express Tribune, March 13, 2013.  Available at
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