Pakistani government steps down after historic five year term; Pakistan pushes for UN ban on drones; Court rules CIA must disclose more about drone strikes; Zardari calls Chinese President Xi; Rabbani expresses army support for civilian-led Taliban negotiations; TTP no longer pursuing peace talks with the government; Suicide bombers attack court in Peshawar; TTP and AI clash in Tirah valley, killing 20; Militants detonate car bomb in North Waziristan; Rangers arrest LeJ leader; Over twenty killed in targeted violence across Karachi; Lyari gang leader Pappu killed; India expresses hopes for MFN status; Egyptian President Mursi visits with Zardari; Malik indicted for contempt of court; Pakistan and Turkey conduct joint air force operation.

Government Steps Down


Drone Strikes

China-Pakistan Relations

Taliban Negotiations

India-Pakistan Relations 

Pakistan-Egypt Relations

Domestic Politics

  • On Monday, Pakistan’s Supreme Court ordered the former Interior Minister, Rehman Malik, be indicted by March 25 for contempt of court charges issued when he changed the investigatory commission looking into the Pakistan Steel Mills corruption case in February. [20]

Pakistan-Turkey Joint Operation


  • The Chargé d'Affaires of Japan to Pakistan, Mr. Akira Kono, announced on Monday that the Japanese government will extend a $2 million grant to Pakistan through the United Nations Development Program. The grant will support the electoral process of Pakistan. [22]

Bus Tragedy

[1] Declan Walsh, “Pakistan government steps down with elections due,” New York Times, March 16, 2013
 Nathan Hodge, “Pakistan Government Ends 5-Year Term,” Wall Street Journal, March 17, 2013.  Available at
[2] “Two blasts firing in Peshawar,” Express Tribune, March 18, 2013.  Available at
“Four killed in suicide attack at Peshawar’s judicial complex,” The News International, March 18, 2013.  Available at
“Blast heard in Peshawar, firing continues,” Dawn, March 18, 2013.  Available at
[3] “20 killed as fighting rages between TTP, AI,” The News International, March 17, 2013.  Available at,-AI
[4] “5 injured in NWA vehicle blast,” The News International,  March 17, 2013.  Available at
[5] “Wanted LeJ leader arrested in Rangers’ raid,” The News International, March 18, 2013.  Available at
[6] “Rangers arrest 13 criminals in operation,” The News International, March 17, 2013.  Available at
“Two gunned down in Kharadar,” The News International, March 18, 2013.  Available at
[7] “College principal gunned down in Karachi,” Pakistan Today, March 18, 2013.  Available at
“Karachi: TTP activist killed in police encounter,” Geo, March 18, 2013.  Available at
[8] “Arshad Pappu killed in Karachi’s Lyari area,” Dawn, March 17, 2013.  Available at
Faraz Khan, “Tortured to death: Gangster Arshad Pappu’s body found in Lyari,” Express Tribune, March 17, 2013.  Available at
“Police pick up Arshad Pappu’s close aide,” The News International, March 18, 2013.  Available at
“Two policemen gunned down in SITE,” The News International, March 18, 2013.  Available at
[9] Zahir Shah Sherazi, “Militants bomb CD shops near Peshawar,” Dawn, March 17, 2013.  Available at
“Woman shot dead in Peshawar,” The News International, March 18, 2013.  Available at
[10] “Firing by rival groups keeps highway shut,” Dawn, March 18, 2013.  Available at
[11] “Blind murder: army official shot dead,” Express Tribune, March 16, 2013.  Available at
[12] Peter Finn and Julie Tate, “Appeals court rejects CIA’s argument over acknowledging drone operations,” Washington Post, March 15, 2013.  Available at
Controversial weapon: Pakistan seeks UN ban on unilateral drone strikes,” Express Tribune, March 18, 2013.  Available at
Charlie Savage, “Court says CIA must yield some data on drones,” New York Times, March 15, 2013.  Available at
[13] “President Zardari felicitate his new Chinese counterpart, The News, March 18, 2013. Available at
[14] “China arms Pakistan,” Radio Free Europe, March 18, 2013.  Available at
[15] “Army not against dialogue with Taliban: Gen Rabbani,” The News, March 18, 2013. Available at
[16] “Pakistani Taliban suspend talks with government,” Dawn, March 18, 2013. Available at
[17] “India hopes Pakistan will soon give it MFN status,” Pakistan Today, March 18, 2013. Available at
“Despite new tensions, India seeks closer trade ties with Pakistan,” Washington Post, March 15, 2013.  Available at
[18] “Pakistan names 15 members for Joint Business Council with India,” Pakistan Today, March 18, 2013. Available at
[19] “President Mursi arrives in Islamabad on landmark visit,” The News International, March 18, 2013.  Available at
[20] “Rehman Malik to be indicted for contempt of court,” Dawn, March 18, 2013. Available at
[21] “Indus Viper II: Airmen from Pakistan, Turkey hold joint drill,” Express Tribune, March 18, 2013. Available at
[22] “Japan provides $ 2 million to ECP for general elections,” Pakistan Today, March 18, 2013. Available at
[23] “Bus carrying soldiers plunges into ravine in Pakistan killing 24,” Fox News, March 16, 2013.  Available at
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