Militants fire rockets at JUI-F rally; Suicide bomber attacks NPP candidate; Militants open fire on ANP rally; Attackers grenade electoral office; Article announces unprecedented violence leading up to elections; Pakistani-Afghan border remains closed after police confrontation; Pakistan announces increased trade with Sri Lanka; PAF jets bomb Orakzai militants; Kayani expresses army’s displeasure with Musharraf case; Taliban leadership in tiff over absent Omar; Militants grenade factory; Balochistan forces begin operation against militants; Three die in Lahore violence; Police defuse bomb in Peshawar.

Political Violence

Pakistan-Afghanistan Relations

Domestic Politics

  • On Wednesday, according to Pakistani news outlets, Army Chief General Ashfaq Kayani subtly expressed the Pakistan Army’s apprehension with how the country is treating former President Pervez Musharraf, who is currently imprisoned and being tried for multiple crimes during his reign as president.  Kayani explained his position in saying "in my [Kayani’s] opinion, it is not merely retribution, but awareness and participation of the masses that can truly end this game of hide and seek between democracy and dictatorship."[6]

Taliban Leadership Turmoil

  • On Wednesday, The Daily Beast released an article which described inner turmoil among the higher Afghan Taliban ranks, stemming from leaders who accuse the central Quetta Shura of issuing orders for their own purposes under Taliban leader Mullah Omar’s name.  Taliban commanders such as Abdul Qayyum Zakir and Sirajuddin Haqqani who were removed from command or given contentious orders by the shura are challenging the shura to produce proof that Mullah Omar is, in fact, alive, free, and leading the Taliban.[7]


[1] “ANP candidate escapes gun attack in Swat,” Express Tribune, May 1, 2013. Available at
[2] “Bomb attack on convoy of election candidate in Shikarpur,” Express Tribune, May 1, 2013. Available at
[3] “ANP candidate escapes gun attack in Swat,” Express Tribune, May 1, 2013. Available at
[4] “Attack on poll camp injures two in Balochistan,” Dawn, April 30, 2013. Available at
[5] “Torkham border closed,” The News, May 1, 2013. Available at
[6] “Pakistan military angered by treatment of Musharraf,” Reuters, May 1, 2013. Available at
[7] “Taliban forces desperate to hear from their absent leader Mullah Omar,” Daily Beast,  May 1, 2013. Available at
[8] “At least four militants killed in Orakzai,” Dawn, May 1, 2013. Available at
[9] “Grenade hurled at Bannu mills,” The News, May 1, 2013. Available at
[10] “Targeting militants: Balochistan operation commences today,” Express Tribune, May 1, 2013. Available at
[11] “Guard found dead,” The News, May 1, 2013. Available at
“Man shot dead,” Dawn, May 1, 2013. Available at 
[12] “Two killed, one injured in tribal clash,” The News, May 1, 2013. Available at,-one-injured-in-tribal-clash
[13] “Another bomb defused in Peshawar,” The News, May 1, 2013. Available at
[14] “Police claim 361 criminals arrested,” The News, May 1, 2013. Available at
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