Yemen: Yemeni tribesmen clash with Saudi border guards in al Jawf; al Houthis clash with tribesmen in Amran; security delegation to resolve conflict in al Radma, Ibb

Horn of Africa: Al Shabaab calls for armed resistance in Egypt; al Shabaab warns of further attacks on police in Kenya; U.S. and China to conduct joint anti-piracy training operations near Somalia; gunmen kill youth leader in Mogadishu

Yemen Security Brief

  • Yemeni tribesmen reportedly clashed with Saudi border guards in Khab, al Jawf governorate on August 20 after the tribesmen attacked Saudi workers building a border wall. One tribesman died and five people were wounded in the clashes. However, the Saudi interior ministry denied reports of the fighting.[1]
  • Clashes between al Houthis and tribesmen in al ‘Ashah, Amran governorate killed 14 al Houthis and five tribesmen on August 20. Fighting began after the tribesmen attempted to detain al Houthi youths and one of the youth shot a tribesman.[2]
  • Security officials in Ibb announced on August 19 that they will send a committee to resolve the conflict between al Houthis and tribesmen in al Radma, Ibb governorate. Al Radma has seen recurrent clashes between al Houthi and Salafist tribesmen since July when the al Houthis set up a checkpoint to prevent armed tribesmen from entering the area.[3]

Horn of Africa Security Brief

  • Al Shabaab urged the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt to fight against the military. The statement called on the Muslim Brotherhood to “take the weapons and fight with those who genocide the people.”[4]
  • Al Shabaab left leaflets warning residents of Garissa, Kenya not to live in police camps or they will be targeted. The warning came after an attack killed four police officers on August 16.[5]
  • U.S. Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel said on August 19 that the U.S. and Chinese navies will participate in joint counter-piracy drills near Somalia this year.[6]
  • Unknown gunmen killed a youth leader in Wadajir district in Mogadishu on August 19. Somali Youth Advocacy Organization leaders condemned the attack.[7]  

[1] “Dead and Wounded in Violent Clashes Between Yemeni Tribes and Saudi Border Guards,” Hadramout Press, August 20, 2013 [Arabic]. Available:
“Saudi Interior Ministry Denies Clashes on the Border with Yemen,” Barakish, August 20, 2013 [Arabic]. Available:
[2] “More than 20 Killed and Wounded in Clashes Between Tribesmen of al ‘Asha  and al Houthi Gunmen in Amran,” Mareb Press, August 20, 2013 [Arabic]. Available:
[3] “Tribal Dispute Leads to Kidnappings, Killings,” Yemen Times, August 20, 2013. Available:
[4] “Shebab Calls Muslim Brothers in Egypt to Fight,” Mustaqbal Radio, August 20, 2013. Available:
[5] “Do Not Live in Police Camps, Al Shabaab Warns Garissa Residents,” Citizen News, August 20, 2013. Available:
[6] “US, China to Expand Military Exchanges,” Mustaqbal Radio, August 20, 2013. Available:
[7] “SYAO Chair Denounces Killing of Youth Members in Mogadishu,” Dalsan Radio, August 20, 2013. Available:
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