Yemen: Popular committee leader’s body found in Lahij; IED wounds four in Ma’rib; gunmen attack power lines in Ma’rib; security forces deploy in Aden; Muslim Brotherhood loots special forces weapons and ammunition; NDC sets submission deadline for September 19

Horn of Africa: International community pledges $2.7 billion to Somalia; Ban Ki Moon urges international community to support Somalia; President Mohamud chooses members of his clan for conference delegation; al Shabaab labels “New Deal” conference a “Belgian Waffle;” Somali Federal Government awards $120 million in contracts to President Mohamud’s companies; Uganda suspends Army Officers in AMISOM; UN urges end to Somali charcoal importation; Ethiopia affirms commitment to Somalia; Jubbaland forces arrest Kenyans with suspected al Shabaab ties; president of Himan and Heeb talks with Somali Federal Government

Yemen Security Brief

  • The body of popular committee leader Ali Hussein al Azani was found in Lahij governorate on September 15. Al Azani was the leader of the popular committee in al Sawma, al Bayda governorate and was influential in expelling al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) from the area. He was thought to have been kidnapped by AQAP on July 23.[1]
  • Four people were wounded in Ma’rib governorate on September 17 when an improvised explosive device (IED) that explosive experts were trying to disarm detonated. The IED was targeting Brigadier General Hamid al Darab, security director of the governorate.[2]
  • Gunmen attacked the Ma’rib-Sana’a power lines in Shabwan, Ma’rib governorate on September 17, causing the Ma’rib station to go out of service.[3
  • Security forces in Aden reinforced checkpoints and deployed crews in public squares in Aden on September 17 in anticipation of protests against the result of the National Dialogue Conference (NDC). Sources said security forces had already used tear gas to suppress demonstrators.[4]
  • The weapons and ammunition stores of the Yemeni special forces were looted on September 15. Sources accused the Muslim Brotherhood of stealing the supplies and trying to weaken the special forces.[5]
  • On September 15 the NDC set Thursday, September 19 as the deadline for all working groups to submit their final reports.[6]

Horn of Africa Security Brief

  • International donors pledged $2.7 billion to support Somalia by the conclusion of the first day of the “New Deal for Somalia” Conference on September 16.[7]
  • UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon endorsed the “New Deal for Somalia,” and urged the international community to politically and financially support the “New Deal” for Somali reconstruction on September 17.[8]
  • President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud’s delegation to the “New Deal for Somalia Conference” is largely comprised of the president’s ethnic and sub-ethnic clans. Twenty of the 23 delegation members belong to the president’s Hawiye clan and 15 belong to his Abgal sub clan.[9]
  • Al Shabaab labeled the “New Deal for Somalia” conference in Brussels a “Belgium Waffle” via Twitter on September 15.[10]
  • Somali Federal Government awarded contracts worth nearly $120 million to Alkheiyrat and AMECO over the last year. The two companies are owned by President Mohamud and several of his cabinet members.[11]
  • Uganda suspended 24 of its army officers in the AMISOM force over allegations of corruption on September 16. The Ugandan officers are accused of selling food and fuel designate for the Ugandan AMISOM forces on the black market.[12]
  • UN officials urged Middle East leaders to end charcoal importing from Somalia on September 17.[13]
  • Ethiopia’s Minister of Foreign Affairs stated that Ethiopia was committed to forging peace in Somalia and strengthening the relationship between Ethiopia and Somalia on September 15.[14]
  • Unknown men threw a grenade into an AMISOM base in Jowhar, Middle Shabelle region on September 16. Casualties were reported but exact figures were not disclosed.[15]
  • Jubbaland forces arrested two Kenyans suspected of ties to al Shabaab in Dhobley, Lower Jubba region on September 15.[16]
  • President Abdillahi Ali Mohamed Barhel of Himan and Heb region stated that his administration was in talks with the federal government regarding resource sharing on September 17.[17]

[1] “Body of Popular Committee Leader Found,” Yemen Times, September 17, 2013. Available:
 [2] “Breaking: Four Wounded in Explosion of IED Targeting Security Director of Ma’rib,” Wefaq Press, September 17, 2013 [Arabic]. Available:
 [3] “Ma’rib Gas Station Goes Out of Service After Sabotage Attack on Power Lines in Shabwan,” al Gomhoriah, September 17, 2013. Available:
 [4] “Heavy Deployment of Security Forces in Aden,” Barakish, September 17, 2013 [Arabic]. Available:
 [5] “Sources Reveal Looting of Weapons Caches and Ammunition in the Special Forces,” Barakish, September 16, 2013 [Arabic]. Available:
 [6] “NDC Consensus Committee Sets Thursday Deadline for Working Group Final Reports,” NDC, September 15, 2013. Available:
[7] “Donors Pledge $2.7 Billion in ‘New Deal’ for Somalia,” Voice of America, September 16, 2013. Available:
[8] “UN chief reaffirms support to Somali ‘New Deal’approved at international conference,” Shabelle, September 17, 2013. Available:
[9] “President Hassan Sheikh delegation dominated by his sub clan and Hawiye clan,” Shabelle, September 14, 2013. Available:
[10] “Somalia’s Al-Shabab: Brussels Donor Conference is ‘Belgian Waffle,” International Business Times, September 16, 2013. Available:
[11] “President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud awarded contracts in the reconstruction process,” Shabelle, September 16, 2013. Available:
[12] “Uganda suspends 24 officers over Somalia corruption,” Shabelle, September 16, 2013. Available:
[13] “UN urges Gulf to stop Somali charcoal trade,” Shabelle, September 17, 2013. Available:
[14] “Ethiopia says committed to Somalia’s Lasting Peace,” Hiiraan, September 16, 2013. Available:
[15] “Grenade attacks thrown at a Gov’t military base in Jowhar,” Shabelle, September 17, 2013. Available:
[16] “Two Kenyan al Shabaab seized in Lower Juba region,” Somali Media Monitoring, September 16, 2013. Available:  
[17] “Talks between Himan & Heb and Somali government underway, says Barleh,” Bar Kulan, September 17, 2013. Available:
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