Yemen: AQAP releases video in response to prison riots; official says al Bayda could fall to AQAP; bomb explodes in Aden; tribesmen attack power lines in Ma’rib

Horn of Africa: Somali and AMISOM forces kill ten al Shabaab in Ufurow district, Bay region; al Shabaab kills seven civilians in Gofgaduud town, Bay region; BBC reports that Ikrima visited London in 2007

Yemen Security Brief

  • Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) released a video on October 24 threatening a “severe and painful response” against the Yemeni government if guards harmed prisoners rioting at the central prison in Sana’a. Prisoners linked to AQAP clashed with guards during an escape attempt on October 22.[1]
  • The commander of the seventh military region warned that al Bayda governorate could fall to AQAP.[2]
  • A bomb leftover from last year’s conflict between militants and security forces exploded in Sheikh Othman, Aden governorate on October 25. It killed one child and wounded five others.[3]
  • Tribesmen loyal to Saleh bin Kalaan attacked power lines in Ma’rib governorate on October 24. It was the second attack this week.[4]

Horn of Africa Security Brief

  • Somali National Army and AMISOM forces killed ten al Shabaab militants during an operation to remove an al Shabaab roadblock in Ufurow district, Bay region on October 24. Five Somali soldiers were wounded.[5]
  • Al Shabaab militants killed seven civilians while attacking an AMISOM base in Gofgaduud town, Bay region on October 23.[6]
  • BBC news reported on October 25 that Ikrima, the target of the aborted U.S. Navy SEAL raid, lived in London in 2007 before moving to Somalia to become an al Shabaab logistics commander.[7]

[1] “AQAP Official Threatens Yemeni Government if Prisoners are Harmed,” SITE, October 24, 2013. SITE
[2] “Yemeni Military Leader Warns of the Fall of al Bayda at the Hands of al Qaeda,” al Bald News, October 25, 2013 [Arabic]. Available:
[3] “Child Killed and Five Others Wounded in Bomb Explosion in Aden,” Barakish, October 25, 2013 [Arabic]. Available:
[4] “Bin Kalaan Attacks Power Lines for the Second Time This Week and the State Stands Powerless,” October 25, 2013 [Arabic]. Available:
[5] “Somalia: Federal Govt troops clash with Al Shabaab in Bay region,” Garowe, October 24, 2013. Available:              
[6] “Al-Shabab ambush kills ten in Somalia,” Somali Current, October 24, 2013. Available:
[7] “Somali al-Shabab commander Ikrima ‘spent time in UK,’” BBC, October 25, 2013. Available:
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