Yemen: Clashes kill four people near Ma’rib oil pipeline; al Houthi militants violate ceasefire in al Jawf; Southern Issue Just Solution garners international and national support

Horn of Africa: NUSOJ condemns journalists’ arrest in Kismayo; new political party announced in Somalia; Djibouti receives 26 new military vehicles from U.S.

Yemen Security Brief

  • Three tribesmen and one Yemeni army colonel are confirmed dead after clashes erupted between Yemeni soldiers and armed tribesmen blocking a damaged pipeline in Ma’rib governorate early January 3. The tribesmen were preventing repair workers from accessing the damaged pipeline.[1]
  • Al Houthi militants violated a ceasefire agreement in al Jawf governorate that was brokered between local tribal leaders and al Houthi leaders in the area. Tribal leaders accuse al Houthi leaders of amassing troops and military supplies in the Strait of Dahra, violating the terms of the agreement.[2]
  • Secretary-General of the National Dialogue Conference (NDC), Dr. Ahmed Awad bin Mubarak, spoke in support of the Just Solution document, which reflects “27 visions,” all but two of which propose to split Yemen into federal regions. Bin Mubarak emphasized the “great support” the document has received from the Yemeni public and international community and is an example of a “real societal dialogue” that will help solve the Southern Issue.[3]

Horn of Africa Security Brief

  • The National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) condemned what it has termed arbitrary arrests of journalists in Kismayo in Lower Jubba region. Jubba administration security forces arrested Sky FM reporter Nasteho Mohamed Omar and Mohamed Hassan Hiis on December 28.[4]
  • Former Somalia Deputy Defense Minister and member of parliament Salad Ali Jelle was announced as the chairman of a new political party, the United and Democratic Party, in Mogadishu on January 2.[5]
  • Djiboutian Defense Minister Hassan Darar Houffaneh and Chief of the Armed Forces Zakaria Sheik Ibrahim received 26 new military vehicles purchased through the American Foreign Military Financing Program on December 30.[6]

[1] “4 Dead as Yemen Army Confronts Tribe over Hit Pipeline,” The Daily Star, Lebanon, January 3, 2014. Available:
[2] “Al Jawf: Houthi Militants Gather in Dahra, Tribal Sources Accuse Them of Violating Ceasefire Agreement,” Mareb Press, January 3, 2014. Available:
[3] “NDC Secretary General: Just Solution Receives Popular and International Support,” Saba News Agency, January 3, 2014. Available:
[4] “Two Journalists in Detention in Southern Somalia,” IFEX, January 2, 2014. Available:
[5] “New Political Party Launched in Somalia Capital,” Dalsan Radio, January 2, 2014. Available:
[6] “US Donates 26 Vehicles to Djibouti Defense Forces,” SomaliCurrent, January 1, 2014. Available:
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