Government reportedly decides on military operation in FATA, army said to be drawing up plans; TTP spokesman says that the Orakzai agency TTP leader is not dead; LoC dispute over truck drivers continues; IMF cancels mission to Pakistan due to safety concerns; Defense Minister receives bomb threat; Security forces carry out operation in Mastung district, arrest 25; Gunmen kill four in Balochistan shooting; Six injured in Quetta blast; Two FC soldiers, one other injured in Khyber agency blast; Policeman injured in Karachi grenade attack; 20 arrested in Lahore operations.

Military Operations in the Tribal Areas

  • According to a Friday report in The Express Tribune, the government has decided on a military operation against militants in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA), and Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif will announce his decision in the next session of the National Assembly. The army has reportedly been directed to draw plans for a number of scenarios, including a full-scale operation.[1]

  • According to a Friday report in The News, Shaikh Maqbool, the spokesman for the Orakzai agency branch of the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) disputed reports that Orakzai agency TTP commander Hafiz Saeed Khan died in the airstrikes by the Pakistan Air Force the tribal areas this week.[2]

Indo-Pakistan Relations

  • Truck drivers from both sides of the Line of Control (LoC) in Kashmir remain stranded on Friday as the standoff between India and Pakistan over Pakistani truck drivers arrested in a drug bust earlier this week continues. Pakistan is demanding the return of all Pakistani drivers on the Indian side of the LoC, including one who was arrested for carrying 114 kilograms of heroin in his truck.[3]

Al Qaeda

  • On Thursday, the Pakistan-based leader of al Qaeda, Ayman al Zawahiri, released a video urging jihadist groups in Syria to stop fighting each other and focus on toppling Bashar al Assad’s regime and establishing an Islamic state in Syria.[4]


  • According to a Friday report in The Frontier Post, an International Monetary Fund (IMF) mission that was scheduled to travel to Pakistan at the end of January to review whether Pakistan has been meeting the conditions of the IMF’s $6.7 billion loan has decided to cancel the visit due to security concerns. The review talks will instead be held in Dubai.[5]

  • On Friday, Defense Minister Khawaja Asif received a bomb threat at the Pakistan Secretariat in Islamabad. A Bomb Disposal Squad (BDS) arrived on the scene and searched for the bomb, but there have been no reports of a bomb being discovered.[6]

  • On Friday, the Frontier Corps, police, the Anti-Terrorist Force (ATF), Levies, and Balochistan Constabulary participated in an operation in Kanak and Derringer, Mastung district, Balochistan. The operation was in response to a bombing in Mastung district on Tuesday that killed two dozen Shia pilgrims. On Friday, 25 people were arrested as part of the operation.[7]

  • On Friday, unidentified gunmen killed four people in Mangochar, Kalat district, Balochistan.[8]

  • On Friday, a bomb planted in a motorcycle detonated, injuring six people in Quetta. The target was reportedly a Frontier Corps van.[9]

  • On Friday, two Frontier Corps personnel and a reporter were injured in a bomb blast in Landi Kotal, Khyber agency.[10]

  • On Friday, a policeman was injured in a grenade attack in the Issa Nagri area of Karachi.[11]

  • On Friday, police arrested 20 people in Lahore as part of an operation throughout the city.[12]


  • At a hearing on Friday, an Islamabad court ruled that former President Pervez Musharraf’s medical report will be assessed on January 29 to determine whether Musharraf needs to go abroad to receive treatment for his reported heart problems.[13]  

[1] “Braced for Action: Govt Signals Willingness for Military Operation,” The Express Tribune, January 24, 2014. Available at:
[2] “TTP Claims its Commander Hafiz Saeed is Alive,” The News, January 24, 2014. Available at:
[3] Parvaiz Bukhari, “Kashmiri Truckers Stranded in New India-Pakistan Row,” Yahoo News, January 24, 2014. Available at:
[4] Thomas Joscelyn, “Al Qaeda Head Addresses Infighting in Syria,” The Long War Journal, January 23, 2014. Available at:
[5] “IMF Mission Refuses Pakistan Visit Citing Security Concerns,” The Frontier Post, January 24, 2014. Available at:
[6] “Bomb Scare in Pakistan Secretariat Causes Panic,” The Express Tribune, January 24, 2014. Available at:
[7] “Security Forces Launch Operation in Mastung; 25 Detained,” Dawn, January 24, 2014. Available at:
[8] “Blast and Firing on Quetta’s Sariab Road; Two Injured,” Dawn, January 24, 2014. Available at:
[9] “Six Injured in Quetta Blast,” Geo News, January 24, 2014. Available at:
[10] “Three Including 2 FC Troops Injured in Khyber Blast,” Geo News, January 24, 2014. Available at:
[11] “Karachi: Policeman Injured in Issa Nagri Grenade Attack,” The Frontier Post, January 24, 2014. Available at:
[12] “20 Suspects Held in Lahore Search Operation,” Geo News, January 24, 2014. Available at:
[13] “Treason Case: Ruling Over Musharraf’s Medical Report on Jan 29,” Dawn, January 24, 2014. Available at:
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