Yemen: Unidentified gunmen assassinate a senior intelligence officer in Sana’a; Clashes between al Houthi rebels and the Yemen military kills 13 civilians in Amran; AQAP releases biography for deceased fighter to jihadi forums

Horn of Africa: Ugandan police release names of suspected al Shabaab militants allegedly planning attack in Uganda; rival southwestern regional administration presidents threaten to use force following Baidoa Agreement

Yemen Security Brief

  • Unidentified militants assassinated a senior intelligence officer, Colonel Khaled al Khawlani, on June 25 outside his home in Sana’a.[1]
  • Clashes between al Houthi militants and the Yemeni army resulted in the death of 13 civilians in Amran on June 25 when their house collapsed on them.[2]
  • Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula’s (AQAP) media arm, al Malahem Media Foundation, released a biography of deceased AQAP fighter, Ali Muhmmad Sufayn al Amari, to jihadi forums on June 24.[3]

Horn of Africa Security Brief

  • Uganda’s anti-terror police released on June 25 the names of nine suspected al Shabaab militants allegedly plotting to conduct terror attacks in Uganda. The police acquired the intelligence through their information-sharing partnership with Somalia’s National Intelligence and Security Agency.[4]
  • The president of the three state southwestern regional administration (SW3), Mohamed Fiqi Hassan, threatened on June 25 to enter Lower Shabelle region by force after several federal parliamentarians representing Lower Shabelle region refused to accept the June 23 Baidoa Agreement, which officially recognized SW3. Hassan’s threat came after the president of the opposing six state southwestern regional administration (SW6), Madobe Nunow, threatened on June 24 to forcibly resist the authority of SW3, stating that SW6 was not fairly represented at the Baidoa meetings.[5]

[1] “Yemen: Militants Assassinate Intel Officer,” ABC News, June 25, 2014. Available:
[2] “13 civilians die as Yemen army clashes with rebels: medic” Gulf News, June 25, 2014. Available:
[3] “al Qa’idah in the Arabian Peninsula’s al Malahim Media presents: ‘Martyrs of the Arabian Peninsula #16 – Abu Yusif (Ali Muhmmad Sufyan al Amari),’” Jihadology, June 24, 2014 [Arabic]. Available:
[4] “Uganda Police Announce the Names of People Suspected to Be Alshabaab,” Dalsan Radio, June 25, 2014. Available:
[5] “Mohamed Fiqi Hassan to enter Lower Shabelle by force,” Shabelle News, June 25, 2014. Available:
“Madoobe Nuunow’s Wing Ready for Fight Against the Administration of the Three Regions,” Dalsan Radio, June 24, 2014. Available:


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