Yemen: AQAP releases martyrdom video for militants that participated in June 26 attacks in Hadramawt; AQAP militants assassinate Yemeni military officer in Abyan

Horn of Africa: Al Shabaab spokesman threatens attacks against AMISOM supply lines; rumored al Shabaab infighting involves al Shabaab leader in Lower Shabelle region; Kenyan police claim arrest of terror suspects in Kenya’s Coast and North Eastern Province

Yemen Security Brief

  • Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula’s (AQAP) media arm, al Malahem Media Foundation, released a video, entitled “Repulsion of Aggression #5,” to YouTube on July 28. The video contains martyrdom statements of Abu Rawi Hamad al Sayari, an AQAP militant that detonated a suicide vehicle-borne improvised device (SVBIED) at the entrance of the Yemeni 1st Regional Command base in Sayun, Hadramawt on June 26, and three unidentified AQAP militants that participated in the AQAP attack on the Sayun Airport on June 26.[1]
  • Suspected AQAP militants ambushed the car of the commander of a Yemeni artillery battalion, Colonel Abdullah al Maarji, killing him, in Lawder, Abyan on July 29.[2]

Horn of Africa Security Brief

  • Al Shabaab spokesman Ali Mohamed Rage, also known as Ali Dhere, threatened attacks against AMISOM supply lines, including airplanes and other vehicles, during a speech in Barawe, Lower Shabelle on July 29. Rage also reiterated al Shabaab’s intent to strike significant targets in Mogadishu, including Villa Somalia, Aden Adde International Airport, and KM4 Junction.[3]
  • Al Shabaab militants reportedly attacked al Shabaab leader Ahmed Abdi Godane, also known as Mukhtar Abu Zubair, over clan grievances near Barawe, Lower Shabelle region on July 27. The attack is rumored to have occurred after Godane authorized the execution of an al Shabaab defector from the Hawiye clan, Bashir Laq Laqaaye, earlier in the day. Although Godane’s status is unknown, an al Shabaab official reportedly confirmed the incident, stating that Godane was severely wounded by the attack.[4]
  • Kenyan police claimed on July 29 to have arrested two suspected al Shabaab officials in Garissa, North Eastern Province.  The police linked the suspects, Ahmed Mohamed and Noor Gatut, to the September 2013 Westgate attack in Nairobi and June 15 Mpeketoni attack, both claimed by al Shabaab. Separately, Kenyan police claimed on July 29 to have arrested two suspects, Chege Jimani and Swaleh Shebe Aumi, in Lamu County, Coast Province. The police reportedly arrested Jimani and Aumi in connection with the July 5 attacks, claimed by al Shabaab, in Gamba and Hindi.[5]

[1] Video released through Pro-AQAP Twitter Account, July 29, 2014.
[2] “Colonel Abdullah al Marji killed in armed trap in Lawder,” Barakish Net, July 29, 2014 [Arabic]. Available:
Pro-AQAP Twitter Account, July 29, 2014.
[3] “Al Shabaab threatens to shoot down AMISOM planes,” Somali Current, July 29, 2014. Available:
[4] “Somalia: Al-Shabaab’s Leader Was Shot by His Body Guards,” Suna Times, July 28, 2014. Available:
[5] “Westgate, Mpeketoni killings suspects held,” The Star, July 29, 2014. Available:
“Police arrest two over Hindi killings that left 12 dead,” The Star, July 29, 2014. Available:
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