TTP Jamaatul Ahrar spokesman declares group’s capability to attack India; U.S. Ambassador condemns suicide attack, offers support in counter-terrorism efforts; AQIS calls for unity of all jihadi groups in Syria and Iraq against U.S. coalition; IED kills four in Landi Kotal, Khyber; Ashura observed amid strict security; Two TTP-linked militants arrested in Rawalpindi; National Counter Terrorism Authority issues threat alerts; Tribal leader killed in Balochistan; Mehsud tribal jirga committed to restoring peace, says tribal elder; Police warns of plot to assassinate Iranian ambassador, prominent Pakistani figures; Pakistan Army fires rockets into Afghanistan, two civilians injured; Senate Standing Committee underlines need for strong Pakistani policy on Afghanistan; China supports improvement in relations between India, Pakistan; Indian Army firing kills two, injures two in Indian-administered Kashmir; IDPs continue to flee from Khyber Agency.

Indo-Pak Border Suicide Attack

  • In an update to the Wagah border post suicide bombing reported on November 3, Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) Jamaatul Ahrar spokesman Ehsanullah Ehsan declared in a November 2 Twitter post that the group was capable of attacking the other side of the border as well and that the attack was an open warning to the governments of both India and Pakistan. He also refuted intelligence claims that the attack was planned in Karachi and claimed that it was planned in the TTP Jamaatul Ahrar’s headquarters.[1]

  • On November 2, U.S. Ambassador to Pakistan, Richard Olson, condemned the terrorist attack at the Wagah border post and extended sympathies to the families of victims on behalf of the American people. He also declared that the U.S. was committed to the people of Pakistan “in their efforts to counter terrorism, uphold the rule of law and build a peace future.”[2]

Al Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent

  • On November 3, al Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent (AQIS) spokesman Usama Mahmoud posted a statement on his Twitter account condemning the U.S.-led coalition’s attack against Sunni fighters in Iraq and Syria. The statement is originally dated October 15. According to the statement, “the attack on Iraq and Syria is not against a particular group or organization instead it is an attack on entire Ummah (worldwide community of Muslims) aiming to terminate every Islamic and Jihadi movement.” The statement further calls upon all Muslims to support fighters in Iraq and Syria against foreign forces and reiterates that the only way to defeat the U.S. is through the unity of all jihadi groups. The statement also reaffirms that AQIS owes its allegiance to the Taliban leader, Mullah Mohammad Omar. [3] 


  • On November 4, an improvised explosive device (IED) detonated, killing two security personnel and two members of the Tauheedul Islam peace committee in Zaka Khel Bazaar of the Landi Kotal area in Khyber Agency. One security personnel was also injured. Another blast shortly after the first one further injured two more security personnel in the same place. Security forces reportedly arrested ten suspects in a resulting search operation in Jamrud sub-district of Khyber Agency.[4]

  • On November 4, the Shia holiday of Ashura was observed in Pakistan amid strict security. Local administrations reportedly placed hospitals and ambulance services on high alert in addition to providing additional security to vulnerable locations.[5] 

  • On November 3, intelligence agencies and the police conducted a joint raid in Rawalpindi, arresting two TTP-linked militants who possessed explosive material, maps and firearms. The militants reportedly planned to target the Ashura-e-Muharram procession in Rawalpindi on November 4.[6]

  • On November 3, the National Counter Terrorism Authority (NACTA) issued two threat alerts warning authorities about a series of possible attacks by the TTP Jamaatul Ahrar and Jundallah on Muharram processions in Karachi, Bannu, Dera Ismail Khan, the shrine of Bibi Pak Daman and the Lahore railway station. NACTA further noted that two suicide bombers belonging to the Wazir tribe had been dispatched from Miram Shah to Dera Ismail Khan district and Kotla Jam in Bhakkar district.[7] 

  • After meeting with commanders of the Mehsud faction of militants on November 3, a member of the Mehsud tribal jirga on November 4 expressed confidence in the ongoing negotiations and said that the jirga will reportedly meet government officials next to brief them about the meeting with the Mehsud commanders.[8] 

  • According to Shia News report on November 2, Pakistani police have reportedly issued a warning to the Foreign Office about a potential plot by Islamist militants to assassinate Iran’s ambassador to Islamabad. The report states that 21 Pakistani scholars and politicians might also be targeted.[9]

  • On November 3, unknown gunmen killed a tribal leader belonging to the Mengal tribe in the Jinnah road area of Noshki district in Balochistan.[10]


  • On November 3, the Pakistani Army reportedly fired 17 rockets into Dangam district in Kunar province of Afghanistan, injuring two civilians and damaging a house.[11]   

Foreign Affairs

  • According to an Express Tribune report on November 3, the Senate Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs submitted a report to the Senate last week, underlining the need for a firm Pakistani policy on relations with Afghanistan in the event of the withdrawal of NATO forces from Afghanistan. The report stressed the need to establish a neutral policy regarding Afghanistan, for internal reconciliation between Afghanistan and Pakistan and to help facilitate reconciliation talks in Afghanistan.[12]  

  • On November 4, Assistant Foreign Minister of China, Liu Jianchao, declared that China strongly supported the improvement of relations between Pakistan and India and that it appreciated Pakistan’s efforts at normalization. Liu also stated that Pakistan and China would sign important bilateral agreements during Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s upcoming visit to China, which would further deepen relations between the two countries.[13]

Indian-Administered Kashmir

  • On November 3, Indian Army soldiers opened fire on a car, killing two civilians and injuring two in Chitergam village in Pulwama district of Indian-administered Kashmir. The police have reportedly registered a case against the army while the army has ordered an enquiry into the incident. Following the incident, protests broke out in Nowgam village with protestors pelting stones and raising anti-India slogans. The police reportedly used tear gas to disperse the crowds.[14]

Internally Displaced Persons

  • On November 3, families from Khajuri and the Tirah Valley of Khyber Agency continued to flee the area following the 22nd consecutive day of military operations in the region. The families are being registered in Pishtakhara area of Peshawar by the FATA Disaster Management Authority.[15] 

[1] Tweet by TTP Jamaatul Ahrar Spokesman, Ehsanullah Ehsan, November 2, 2014. Available at
[2]“US offers help to bring perpetrators of Wagah attack to justice,” Dawn, November 4, 2014. Available at
[3]“AQIS Calls Muslims, Fighters to Unite in Face of U.S.-Led Coalition in Iraq and Syria,” SITE, November 3, 2014. Available at
[4]“Explosion in Khyber Agency’s Zakakhel bazaar kills four,” Dawn, November 4, 2014. Available at
[5]“Ashura being observed today amid strict security,” Dawn, November 4, 2014. Available at
[6]“Terrorism bid foiled in Rawalpindi,” The News, November 4, 2014. Available at
[7]“Terrorists may strike in Karachi, Lahore,” The News, November 4, 2014. Available at,-Lahore
[8]“Mehsud jirga upbeat about talks with Sajna,” Express Tribune, November 4, 2014. Available at
[10]“Tribal leader killed in Balochistan,” Dawn, November 4, 2014. Available at
[11]“Cross-border shelling from Pakistan injures 2 civilians in Kunar,” Khaama, November 4, 2014. Available at
[12]“Senate committee reviews policy options for Pakistan after NATO withdrawal,” Express Tribune, November 3, 2014. Available at
[13]“China supports improvement in Pakistan-India relations,” Dawn, November 4, 2014. Available at
[14]“J&K: 2 killed as Armymen fire at car,” Indian Express, November 4, 2014. Available at
[15]“More Tirah, Khajuri IDPs flee military operation,” The News, November 4, 2014. Available at
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