Yemen:  U.S. State Department confirms closure of American embassy in Sana’a; al Houthi militants clash with tribal forces in al Bayda; anti-al Houthi demonstrations in capital Sana’a and Taiz city

Horn of Africa: Al Shabaab conducts night raid in Lower Shabelle region; Somali intelligence official states airstrikes have weakened al Shabaab

Yemen Security Brief

  • The U.S. State Department released a statement on February 10 confirming the closure of the American embassy in Yemen. The statement reiterated that the American government will not hesitate to act in Yemen if necessary for the protection of U.S. citizens.[1]
  • Al Houthi militants fought with tribal forces in Rada’a, al Bayda on February 10. Reports say that nine al Houthi militants were killed in the fighting and 15 others were wounded. The fighting began after the al Houthis reneged on an agreement not to enter the tribe’s territory.[2]
  • Protesters demonstrated against the al Houthi movement in Sana’a, Taiz city, and Ibb city on February 11. Al Houthi militants attacked the demonstrations in Sana’a and reportedly fired live ammunition at marchers.[3]

Horn of Africa Security Brief

  • Al Shabaab militants conducted night raids on African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) and Somali government bases outside Barawe, Lower Shabelle region on February 11. The attack reportedly resulted in heavy casualties on both sides.[4]
  • Somali intelligence official General Abdurahman Mohamed Tuuryare stated on February 10 that U.S. airstrikes should continue in central Somalia where al Shabaab is gaining strength. General Tuuryare asserted that recent airstrikes on al Shabaab have weakened the group.[5]

[1] “Yemen Press Statement,” US State Department, February 10, 2015. Available:
[2] “Nine al Houthis killed in fighting with tribes in Rada’a,” al Masdar, February 11, 2015 [Arabic]. Available:
[3] “Houthi militants fired live bullets at protests in Sana’a,” al Masdar, February 11, 2015 [Arabic]. Available:
“Thousands protest against al Houthi rule in Yemen after embassies close,” Reuters, February 11, 2015. Available:
[4] “Militants attack troops in Barawe town,” Hiiraan Online, February 11. Available:
“Somalia: Al Shabaab kills local official in night raid,” Garowe Online, February 11. Available:
[5] “Somali Govt wants drone strike intensified against Al Shabaab,” Dalsan Radio, February 11. Available:
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