Yemen: Local popular resistance forces take control of the Port of Aden; senior Hadi government officials return to Aden

Horn of Africa: Airstrike kills al Shabaab leaders; Kenya to suspend flights between Somalia and Nairobi during President Obama’s visit

Yemen Security Brief

  • Local anti- al Houthi popular resistance forces retook the Port of Aden as well as the area of al Mualla within the city of Aden on July 15 from al Houthi militants as part of Operation Golden Arrow, which seeks the liberation of Aden from the al Houthis. Additionally, there are ongoing negotiations taking part between members of the al Houthi movement and the local popular resistance for the al Houthis to surrender in the Tawahi area of Aden City. Operation Golden Arrow is the most significant gain of territory by the popular resistance movement since Aden was taken by the al Houthi movement in March.[1]
  • Senior members of the government of President Abdu Rabbu Mansour Hadi, which has been in exile since March, flew into the city of Aden on July 15. President Hadi stated that the role of the senior government members is to ensure security and stability within the city ahead of the revival of state institutions within Aden.[2]

Horn of Africa Security Brief

  • A suspected U.S. airstrike hit an al Shabaab vehicle outside of the group’s stronghold Bardhere, Gedo region, on July 16. The strike reportedly killed four senior al Shabaab officials, including Mohamed Kuno, who is believed to be the mastermind of the April 2 attack on Garissa University. Al Shabaab has yet to comment on the airstrike. [3]
  • Kenyan officials announced that all flights between Somalia and Nairobi’s Wilson and Jomo Kenyatta’s airports will be suspended during President Barack Obama’s visit to the nation later this month. Kenya has been implementing increased security measures in preparation of the arrival of the U.S. delegation.[4]

[1] “Hadi loyalists seize more ground in Yemen’s Aden,” al Arabiya, July 15, 2015. Available:
“Resistance Spokesman: Negotiations underway for al Houthi surrender in Tawahi,” al Masdar, July 15, 2015. [Arabic] Available:
[2] “Exiled government ministers return to Yemen's Aden,” Reuters, July 15, 2015. Available:
[3]“Somali al-Shabaab commanders ‘killed in drone strike’”, BBC, July 16, 2015. Available:
“Mohamed Kuno killed in US forces’ drone attack,” The Daily Nation, July 16, 2015. Available:
“Explosion destroys vehicle in militant stronghold in Somalia,” Somaliweyn, July 16, 2015. Available:
[4] “Kenya to suspend Somali flights during Obama’s stay,” Waccal, July 16, 2015. Available:
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