Yemen: Hadi’s government announces liberation of Abyan governorate; Popular Resistance forces push into Ibb city, central Yemen

Horn of Africa: Al Shabaab financier surrenders in Bardhere

Yemen Security Brief

  • Military officials loyal to Abdu Rabbu Mansour Hadi’s government and backed by the Saudi-led coalition Operation Golden Arrow announced the complete liberation of Abyan governorate, southern Yemen, from the al Houthis on August 11. The announcement came after a weekend of heavy fighting in Abyan, which saw the liberation of the governorate’s capital, Zinjibar.[1]
  • Anti-al Houthi Popular Resistance fighters advanced into the city of Ibb in central Yemen on August 11 after surrounding the city and setting up checkpoints. Clashes are currently ongoing with the al Houthis for control of the city. Popular resistance forces also expelled al Houthis from the al Sha’ar district in Ibb on August 11, giving resistance forces control over the eastern portion of Ibb governorate.[2]

Horn of Africa Security Brief

  • Somali National Army (SNA) officials announced on August 11 that senior al Shabaab financier Ise Abdi Hersi surrendered to the SNA in Bardhere, Gedo region. The former al Shabaab stronghold of Bardhere was retaken by forces allied with the Somali government in July.[3]

[1] “Yemen’s loyalist forces push Houthi rebels from Aden,” al Jazeera, August 11, 2015. Available:
[2] “Anti-Houthi fighters advance into central Yemeni city,” Reuters, August 11, 2015. Available:
“Resistance in al Sha’ar district expel al Houthis and take back tenth district,” al Masdar, August 11, 2015 [Arabic]. Available:
“Battle to free Ibb city: clashes between resistance and al Houthis in east central and west of city,” al Masdar, August 11, 2015 [Arabic]. Available: 
[3] “Senior Al Shabab financier Surrender to Somalia officials,” Mareeg News, August 11, 2015. Available:
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