Yemen: Anti-al Houthi forces near liberating Ibb in central Yemen

Horn of Africa: Somali Parliament tables motion of no confidence against President Mohamed

Yemen Security Brief

  • Anti-al Houthi Popular Resistance forces announced on August 12 that they are near liberating the central areas of Ibb governorate from the al Houthis after a week of prolonged battles throughout the governorate. Saudi–led coalition airstrikes appear to be supporting the battle for Ibb and bombed the headquarters of the Yemeni 55th Brigade in Yarim, northern Ibb, on August 13.[1]

Horn of Africa Security Brief

  • The Somali Parliament introduced a motion of no confidence signed by 90 of the Parliament’s 275 members  against Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamed on August 12. The motion charges President Mohamed with corruption and violations of the Provisional Federal Constitution. [2]

“Airstrikes on military camp loyal to al Houthis and Saleh in Yarim, Ibb,” al Masdar, August 13, 2015 [Arabic]. Available:
[2] “MPs table impeachment motion against Somalia President,” Garowe Online, August 12, 2015. Available:
“90+ MPs table motion of no confidence against Mohamed” Twitter, August 12, 2015. Available:


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