Yemen: Peace talks to resume next week; coalition airstrikes target al Houthi military sites; Saudi Brig. Gen. Asiri denies retaliatory airstrikes and presence of Egyptian and Sudanese troops in Yemen

Horn of Africa: Federal Government of Somalia officials call for ceasefire in Galmudug region; security concerns high in Jubbaland as new president is appointed

Yemen Security Brief

  • The United Nations announced on September 11 that peace talks seeking to end the conflict in Yemen will resume next week. Negotiations will likely take place in Oman. President Abdu Rabbu Mansour Hadi’s government, the al Houthis, and the General People’s Congress, loyal to ex-President Ali Abdullah Saleh, have agreed to participate.[1]
  • The Saudi-led coalition continued to launch airstrikes on al Houthi military sites overnight on September 10. The airstrikes targeted the al Daylami airbase, a military camp, and a weapons cache in Sana’a. Coalition bombings also struck the Republican Palace and a military camp in Taiz.[2]
  • Brigadier General Ahmed Asiri, the spokesman for the Saudi-led coalition, stated on September 10 that the recently intensified airstrikes on Sana’a aim to reduce al Houthi military capabilities and further the coalition’s plan to secure Ma’rib and Taiz governorates. He denied accusations that the bombings are in retaliation for the Gulf soldiers killed by an al Houthi rocket on September 4.  Asiri also denied the presence of Egyptian and Sudanese troops in Yemen, contradicting earlier reports.[3]

Horn of Africa Security Brief

  • A Somalia Federal Government (SFG) cabinet meeting discussed a conflict between the SFG-aligned militia Ahlu Sunna wa al Jama’a and Galmudug region security forces.  The two groups are fighting over control of Abudwak town in the Galguduug region. SFG officials have called for an immediate ceasefire between the two groups before hostilities escalate.[4] 
  • Security concerns are high in the city of Kismayo, Lower Jubba region as the president of Jubbaland state, Ahmed Madobe, is inaugurated. The government officials say that they received credible threats of terrorist attacks during the inauguration ceremony and are enforcing a curfew during this time.[5]
[1] “U.N. says Yemen peace talks set to resume next week,” Reuters, September 11, 2015. Available: 
[2] “Breaking: Coalition planes launch a number of strikes on al Dilmi base and al Hafa in Sana’a,” Barakish, September 11, 2015. [Arabic] Available:
“Coalition strikes launch a number of strikes on al Houthi gatherings in Tazi,” Barakish, September 11, 2015. [Arabic] Available:
“Huge explosions in the Television military camp, and a source reveals the kinds of exploded weapons,” Barakish, September 11, 2015. [Arabic] Available:
[3] “Asiri explains the reasons for the intensification of airstrikes on Sana'a,” Barakish, September 10, 2015. [Arabic] Available:
“Spokesman for the coalition forces denies the presence of Egyptian and Sudanese forces in Yemen,” Al Masdar, September 11, 2015. [Arabic] Available:
[4] “Somalia: FGS condemns the armed conflict in Abudwaaq,” Somaliland Press, September 10, 2015. Available:
[5] “Somalia: Kismayu under a fresh curfew ahead of Presidential inauguration,” Villa Puntland, September 10, 2015. Available:
“Somalia: Kismayo under-night curfew,” Somali Current. September 10, 2015. Available:
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