Yemen: President Hadi addresses the United Nations General Assembly

Horn of Africa: Al Shabaab militants kill two SNA soldiers in Omar Beere, Lower Shabelle region; two AMISOM soldiers killed in grenade attack in Merca, Lower Shabelle region

Yemen Security Brief

  • Yemeni President Abdu Rabbu Mansour Hadi addressed the United Nations General Assembly on September 29. He accused Iran of seeking to destroy the Yemeni state, and he praised the Saudi-led coalition for its “utter determination” in the fight against al Houthi militias. He also blamed the al Houthis for Yemen’s current humanitarian crisis. President Hadi’s remarks follow allegations by the Saudi-led coalition that it intercepted an Iranian ship carrying weapons to the al Houthis.  The Iranian government denied any interference in Yemeni affairs and has not responded to the weapons shipment accusation.[1]

Horn of Africa Security Brief

  • Al Shabaab militants attacked a government checkpoint manned by Somali National Army (SNA) forces in the town of Omar Beere, located in the Lower Shabelle region. The attack, which occurred on September 29, was successfully repulsed by SNA forces, who sustained two fatal casualties during the clash. Additionally, an unspecified number of casualties were inflicted upon the militants.[2] 
  • Unidentified assailants tossed a hand grenade at a patrol of African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) soldiers, resulting in the deaths of two soldiers. AMISOM officials have since confirmed the deaths of the two soldiers in the attack, which occurred on September 29, in the southern port city of Merca, located in the Lower Shabelle region. While the identity of the perpetrators remains unknown, al Shabaab militants are suspected of carrying out the attack.[3] 
[1] Michelle Nichols, “At U.N., Yemen accuses Iran of pursuing its destruction,” Reuters, September 29, 2015. Available:
William MacLean, “Weapons bound for Yemen seized on Iran boat: coalition,” Reuters, September 30, 2015. Available:
[2] “Al-Shabaab kills two security officers in Afgooye,” Wacaal Media, September 30, 2015. Available:
[3] Warka, “Two AMISOM soldiers killed in grenade attack in Marko city – Witnesses,” Mareeg, September 30, 2015. Available:
“2 AMISOM soldiers die in Marka hang grenade attack,” Wacaal Media, September 30, 2015. Available:
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