A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by AEI Critical Threats Project Iran Analyst Will Fulton and Iran Intern Amir Toumaj, with contributor John Lesnewich. To receive this daily newsletter, please subscribe online.

(E) = Article in English

Excerpts of these translations may only be used with the expressed consent of the authors.


Regional Developments


  • Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) Secretary Maj. Gen. Ali Shamkhani met with head of the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq Seyyed Ammar al-Hakim and discussed the “third wave of terrorism”:
    • “Despite the statements of the officials of countries affecting international trends and their widespread propaganda regarding the field of combating terrorism, no will to confront this ominous and destructive phenomenon is seen on the international stage.”
    • “The Islamic Republic of Iran will continuously stand with the Iraqi government and people. It is prepared to upgrade the level of practical cooperation in economic and cultural areas to strengthen stability and security and expand comprehensive relations.” 
  • President Rouhani met with Germany’s new ambassador to Iran Michael von Ungern in Tehran to indicate his hopes that the country would be able to play a positive role in achieving a resolution to the nuclear issue in upcoming talks. Rouhani also congratulated Chancellor Merkel on her re-election and hoped for relations to grow between Iran and Europe, stating, “We hope that relations between Iran and the European Union can move closer and forward in the future.”
  • President Rouhani also met with the new Dutch Amabassador Johannes Douma in Tehran, emphasizing that Iran understands its nuclear rights within the framework of the NPT and is ready to negotiate with the P5+1 within that framework to quickly resolve the issue in order it could widen its relations with European nations like the Netherlands in political, cultural, and economic areas. The president also criticized sanctions against Iran as a violation of human rights, saying “We should all be careful that human rights do not become a political issue. Ambassador Douma reportedly announced the support of his own country for the development and widening of relations and cooperation in all areas. 

Military and Security

Nuclear Issue

  • Speaker of Parliament Ali Larijani spoke to the new future of nuclear negotiations during a joint press conference with the Serbian Speaker of Parliament:
    • “I think that the nuclear issue can be resolved through negotiations, but everyone must note that the negotiations are taking place under new conditions, and it is only in a few cases that the negotiations will be effective.”
    • He elaborated, “In President Rouhani’s recent trip to New York, these conditions were provided in order to make the negotiations process active, and the nuclear issue can be solved within this space.”
    •  “They can use Iran and Europe’s extant capabilities in order to resolve a complex issue.” Larijani also thanked the Serbian Speaker for coming, and said he hoped political and economic relations and cooperation between the countries would continue to grow.” 


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