A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by AEI Critical Threats Project Iran Analyst Will Fulton and Iran Intern Amir Toumaj, with contributors John Lesnewich and Mehrdad Moarefian. To receive this daily newsletter, please subscribe online.

(E) = Article in English

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Military and Security

  • National Security and Foreign Policy [NSFP] Parliamentary Commission Spokesman Hossein Naghavi Hosseini emphasized today that the assassinations of Zabol Attorney General  Mousa Nouri Ghalehnou on Nov. 6 [see INR] and Deputy Minister of Industry, Mining, and Trade Safdar Rahmatabadi were carried out due to personal motivations:
  • Minister of Industry, Mining, and Trade Mohammad Reza Naematzadeh said yesterday that “the reason for the murder of the parliamentary and ministerial deputy has still not been determined.” He did provide some information, saying, “Last night, Safdar Rahmatabadi was assassinated with two shots on Golbarg Street in Tehran. His funeral was held an hour ago on Samieh Street in Tehran.”
  • Justice Minister Mostafa Pourmohammadi commented yesterday on the recent violence in the southeast of Iran while attending the anniversary of Hassan Tehrani Moghaddam’s martyrdom [reported “father of Iran’s ballistic program” who died in an explosion in 2011]:
  • Law Enforcement Forces Commander Brig. Gen. Esmail Ahmadi Moghaddam, also attending Tehrani Moghaddam’s memorial, provided an update on Rahmatabadi’s murder yesterday: “This case is currently being pursued by the police, and I cannot say anything right now,” but added “We have no signs of the political [nature] of this crime.”
    • Asked about Jaish al-Adl’s claim of responsibility for the attack on the Zabol Attorney General, Ahmadi Moghaddam said, “In regards to the group who made the announcement, I am not giving an assessment. However, we believe that they have attributed this event to themselves because it happened. Do not allow this case to be solved until we announce it.”
  • Head of the Basij Organization Brig. Gen. Mohammad Reza Naghdi spoke on the sidelines of Tehrani Moghaddam’s memorial service about the negotiations: “We trust the negotiations team, and God willing their work will be undertaken well.” However, he accused America of being “two-faced” and said, “Given [the words] of the Supreme Leader and our officials, America has really given its role to France, and has shown from this angle that America is not the sheriff, otherwise this issue would be finished.”
  • Armed Forces General Staff Basij Affairs and Defense Culture Deputy Massoud Jazayeri praised Iran’s “wise” negotiators while claiming that “France is playing the role it was entrusted with,” and doing so “laughably”:
    • “Given the developments of the recent negotiations, it seems that the dishonesty of the P5+1 is clearer to the public than it was in the past.”
    • “What the P5+1 is pursuing is not the principle of peaceful Iranian nuclear energy, but rather this Global Arrogance group is looking to create changes in the conduct of the sacred system of Iran, an event which will not occur thanks to the power and strength of God.”
    • “The French role is clearly a facade, it was previously planned that it should act this way. It is correct [to say] that this is similar behavior to the Zionist regime....”  
  • IRGC Navy Deputy Commander Brig. Gen. Ali Reza Tangsiri reiterated his force’s control of the Persian Gulf, announced its presence in free waters, mentioned new technology, and said that it had been “combating pirates in the Gulf of Aden for 170 days”:
    • We have continuously said in our messages, exercises, drills, and interviews that the Persian Gulf is our house. A person does not light a fire anywhere in his house, which is why we are never looking to create conflict, war, or crisis in the Persian Gulf.”
    • “Our neighboring Islamic countries to the south do not expect that the presence of foreign countries in the Persian Gulf region provide security for all.”
    • “Our Basij and marines are stationed in more than 32 ships which travel in international waters.”
    • “IRGC Navy capabilities now have five primary pillars. The speed boat and missile pillars, which the enemies are most afraid of, as well as marine, seaplane, and drone pillars. God willing the sixth pillar [of submarines] will be added in the future.” 
  • Head of Law Enforcement Investigations in Western Tehran Colonel Hassan Nagehani said that his officers stopped a “suspicious red car” and “found $80 million, two laptops, 100 grams of gold, 4000 Iraqi dinar, and two suitcases of clothing.”
    • “Officers in Islamshahr patrolled and saw a suspicious red car, which they tried and succeeded in stopping. The automobile and its driver, by the name of ‘Shapour - R” were arrested and the stolen valuables and money were found in the car.”
    •  “With the transfer of the accused to the police station, and the beginning of initial investigations, one of the relatives of the accused named ‘Behnam - N’ was present at the station and proposed more than 2500 Euros, $2500, and an ATM card with 180 million rials [$7200] as a bribe to the officers to free him. With respect for themselves and the law,  the officers added a bribery charge to the accused and his relative’s file.”

Nuclear Issue

  • Iran and the IAEA signed an agreement allowing IAEA inspectors greater access to the Gachin mine and the Arak heavy water reactor nuclear facility.


Photo of the Day

  • Defense Minister Brig. Gen. Hossein Dehghan, Artesh Commander Maj. Gen. Ataollah Salehi, Tehran Governor Morteza Tamaddon, and Expediency Council member Said Jalili attend a second night of mourning Muharram ceremony led by Supreme Leader Khamenei at the Imam Khomeini Hosseiniyeh in Tehran.