A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by AEI Critical Threats Project Iran Analyst Will Fulton and Iran Intern Amir Toumaj, with contributors John Lesnewich and Mehrdad Moarefian. To receive this daily newsletter, please subscribe online.

(E) = Article in English

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Regional Developments and Diplomacy

Military and Security

Nuclear Issue

  • Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Marzieh Afkham praised the recent IAEA report and affirmed that “no suspension has occurred” in the program. 
  • Thus far 100 MPs have signed a resolution titled “The Necessity of the Government to Preserve Certain Nuclear Rights and Their Instances in the Framework of the NPT Treaty and Nuclear Negotiations,” effective immediately should it be approved after being presented to the Parliament Executive Board. The provisions of the resolution:
    • “Reducing production and stopping the trend of the nation’s nuclear expansion are not tolerable and are nonnegotiable. The government is not permitted to any agreements that ignore these rights.”
    • “Continuation in the expansion of sites and related enrichment facilities (including the Natanz enrichment facility) to produce fuel of powerful power plants of nuclear electricity between one thousand megawatts up to the ceiling of 20 thousand megawatts as based on the plan.”
    • “Continuation of attempting to build and install second and third generation centrifuges and replacing first generation centrifuges with them for economic efficiency and production uranium with necessary enrichment based on plan.”
    • “Continuation of storing enriched uranium for three year fuel of a power plant (present plants and future expansions).”
    • “Continuation of discovering and expanding uranium mines on the national level based on plan.”
    • “Continuation of 20% enrichment production to alleviate need to produce fuel rods, radio medicine, chemotherapy and the rest of peaceful nuclear usage based on internal need and trade market.”
    • “Continuation and completion of Arak heavy water reactor facility toward the Iranian nation’s efficiency, particularly cancer patients.”
    • “Continuation of necessary cooperation with nuclear agency and measures of public opinion to confront the enemies’ invasions in restricting the nation of its certain nuclear rights.”
    • “If any government institutions of nuclear negotiations side strengthens or executes sanctions or unfriendly measures against institutions and persons of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the government is bound to bring confronting measures including presenting resolutions to Parliament.”
    • “Any agreement with the demands of the opposite party must not be outside of NPT.”
    • “Total support and preservation of scientists and specialists of the country’s nuclear arena.”
    • “Creation of the possibility of interaction with neutral, friendly and independent countries in peaceful nuclear cooperation.”
    • “Expansion of nuclear research centers and university research facilities and providing them with ever more equipment.” 
  • Head of the Iran Atomic Energy Organization Ali Akbar Salehi reassured the Student Committee for the Preservation and Expansion of Nuclear Achievements, who formed a human ring around Fordow nuclear site earlier today, that “no steps will be taken contrary to national interests” in tomorrow’s negotiations.


  • Economy Minister Ali Tayebnia stated, “With the calculation of the current 3.5 million unemployed and the 5 million that will be added to this demographic, we must create work for 8.5 million within the next two years.” 
  • Mehr News Agency reports that the dollar has been completely eliminated from the Currency Exchanges Center and that there is a three month delay in dispersing currencies for customers. Reports indicate that most dispersed currencies are the Indian rupee, South Korean won and the Japanese yen. 

Photo of the Day