A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by the AEI Critical Threats Project's Iran research team. To receive this daily newsletter, please subscribe online. 

(E) = Article in English

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Nuclear Issue

  • Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Deputy Mohammad Ahmadian announced that 27 tons of Bushehr’s energy plant fuel will be replaced in the presence of inspectors. 
  • National Security and Foreign Policy (NSFP) Parliamentary Commission Chairman MP Alaeddin Boroujerdi announced an agreement between Speaker of Parliament Ali Larijani and President Hassan Rouhani to include an MP in the Supreme National Security Council Nuclear Committee.
  • Deputy Foreign Minister for Legal and International Affairs Abbas Eraghchi said that “The next round of negotiations between Iran and the P5+1 about Iran’s nuclear program will probably be held in the second half of February in Geneva.” Eraghchi said that one of the most important issues of the negotiations would be removing concerns over the Arak heavy water reactor. 


  • Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei met with Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and praised his visit, saying “This seriousness will lead to stronger relations and quicker progress.” He added, “We must properly use existing opportunities and situations.” Erdogan responded, “We hope to progress and develop relations each day and become an example to the region and world.” 
  • Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said during a CNN interview that President Obama’s State of the Union address was for “the consumption of domestic American listeners… It is not important how the Americans try to explain [the nuclear issue] for domestic consumption.” 
  • Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Marziyeh Afkham said President Obama’s views of Iran and the region are “unrealistic and unproductive.” Afkham then added, “American officials must not forget to adhere to and be responsible for their tasks in the framework of the Joint Plan of Action [JPA].” 
  • Expediency Discernment Council Center for Strategic Research Chairman Ali Akbar Velayati met with the Leader of the Lebanese Democrat Party Amir Talal Arsalan to speak about regional developments: “That which is happening in Syria is a plot that America, the Zionists, and regional reactionaries have a hand in. In the past years we have witnessed some of these plots and plans against Muslims and countries that are at the front line against the Zionists. This new plot in Syria is their worst type of plot.”
    • Velyati also emphasized that “Iran, Iraq, and Lebanon will stand beside the Syrian people, defending all of Syria’s territory and rights.” 
    • The Iranian media outlet officials criticized former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan for displaying “undiplomatic conduct” following his meeting with Velayati yesterday. 
  • National Security and Foreign Policy (NSFP) Parliamentary Commission Spokesman Hossein Naghvi called for close relations with Turkey, “Relations between Iran and Turkey have always been strategic and based on mutual benefit. Iran and Turkey are great friends for one another, and this continuous friendship has disturbed their enemies.” 
    • NSFP Parliamentary Commission Member Ahmed Shohani also spoke on the need for relations with Turkey, saying that “From an economic and political viewpoint, relations between Iran and Turkey are very strategic. [Turkey] is also against the hostile sanctions on Iran. Closer and more developed relations can benefit both countries.” 
    • NSFP Member Ahmed Bakhshayesh said, “When the Turks saw that America was untrustworthy, they changed their policies in regards to Syria. Furthermore, the meetings of Mr. [Prime Minister Recep Tayyip] Erdogan with Iranian officials caused better relations.” 
  • Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Marziyeh Afkham condemned the dissolution of the Bahraini Ulama Islamic Council. Afkham stated, “Confronting religious institutions in this country not only does it not resolve issues, it [exacerbates] them. We advise Bahraini officials to refrain from security and tribal approaches and create the necessary groundwork for fulfilling civil matters by taking confidence building measures.” 

Military and Security

  • Law Enforcement Forces (LEF) Chief Brig. Gen. Esmail Ahmadi Moghaddam called civil rights an “important” LEF matter and stated, “This right is important to the extent when the Supreme Leader announced to us after the [2009] ‘sedition’ that we should not behave in a way that on Judgment Day the thugs pass us and we are still standing and paying [for our sins].” He claimed that the LEF’s professionalism “grade is 80 out of 100, but we must [fill this gap] because the LEF must not oppress or insult even a single individual. Our actions must be based on civil rights, religious law and removed from personal sentiment.” 
    • Ahmadi Moghaddam also announced that the LEF incurred a $185 million debt to the Oil Ministry. The debt stemmed from the Ahmadinejad administration’s transfer of revenues from an oil shipment to the LEF in order to compensate for the organization’s credit deficit. He urged the government “to act more orderly in paying salaries” and thanked the administration for increasing the LEF’s budget by 1%. The LEF Chief then noted that the government will not provide about 8% of this year’s LEF budget. 
  • Defense Minister Brig. Gen. Hossein Dehghan spoke at the First Members of the Cultural Network of Sisters of the Defense Ministry Meeting, recalling Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini’s return to Iran from exile on February 1 , 1979 as a “turning point in Iran’s history” after which “our people desired to implement divine commands in society and now have real freedom.” 
    • Dehghan also spoke about the role of women, saying that before the Revolution “women were not viewed as people… But with the beginning of the Revolutionary movement, we witnessed women present in the confrontation against unbelief and idolatry. Women must believe in their own role in [society].”
    • Praising the role of women in the Revolution and during the Iran-Iraq War, Dehghan added, “Women have always had the primary role in the field of jihad, and must also continue this in the future. The family has always been the primary institution of social growth, self-respect, and reason.” 
  • Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) Mohammad Rasoulollah Unit (Greater Tehran) Deputy Commander Ahmad Zolghadr said, “These days, the enemy has greatly emphasized its proposal of the military option. However, with their own presence on different stages, including the rally of [February 11, the last day celebrating Khomeini’s return], the [Iranian] people will prove that they support their country and do not fear any threats.”
    • “Despite the great gap in age between the youth and the Revolution and Imposed War [Iran-Iraq War], the youth will also be present at the rally of [February 11]. This is one of the options on the Islamic Republic’s table.” 
  • Head of the Basij Organization Brig. Gen. Mohammad Reza Naghdi commented on developments in Syria, “Given the army’s advances and changing battlefield stances in Syria, the government of this country will reach victory.” He added that “The only person who sees harm in this is the Zionist regime and its affiliate countries.” 


  • Head of the Central Bank Valiollah Seif discussed stagnation and the Central Bank’s policy to increase production with low inflation:
    •  “A review of economic indicators demonstrates that the country’s economy is in stagnation. Finding a strategy to surpass this path possesses many complications. The most important causes of the fall in factory production is the high cost of primary material, lack of primary material, lack of liquidity, lack of currency procurement and not enough demand for factory goods.”
    • “In such a situation, increasing liquidity will not resolve problems rather it will cause an increase in the inflation rate. Therefore, strategies must be based on a non-inflation approach and not imposing new limitations in the production of goods and services.”
    • “The Central Bank’s first priority must be capturing and controlling inflation expectations, so the cost-benefit calculation of unit production goods becomes meaningful. One of the most important approaches is controlling economic and non-economic risk and stabilizing flow of resources between markets. Meaning that the Central Bank considers important the strengthening of production affairs rates of returns and bringing resources out of high-risk and non-productive trading as some of the necessities of reforming the broader economic environment.” 
  • MPs voted in favor of an article in the 2013-2014 budget law where the Central Bank may allocate $10 billion from its currency reserves towards Oil Ministry projects via ministry subsidiaries. 
  • Cooperation, Work and Social Welfare Minister Ali Rabi’i said “100 French companies have announced their readiness for widespread economic cooperation with Iran. Specializing and bringing advanced knowledge are causes of advancing economic institutions.” 

Photo of the Day