A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by the AEI Critical Threats Project's Iran research team. To receive this daily newsletter, please subscribe online. 

(E) = Article in English

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Nuclear Issue

  • Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) head Ali Akbar Salehi said domestic critics of Iran’s suspension of near-20% enrichment should “show us the place to use 20% fuel so we can produce [more of it].” Salehi also spoke about the current state of Iran’s nuclear program:
    • “We have 19,000 centrifuges, of which 9,000 are active.”
    • “Our contract with the Russians will expire after eight years. We must be prepared to secure our own fuel…We are negotiating with the Russians regarding four other reactors.”
    • “Every year, we need 27 tons of 4.1% uranium oxide for the Bushehr reactor.”
    • “Enrichment activities have not ceased.”
    • “The criticism that the dear critics have about this accord is not that they have not accepted our enrichment practically and de facto. Rather, they say that it is been stated in the accord that our enrichment capacity and volume must be accepted by the sides at the last stop.”
    • “They say that the Arak heavy water reactor produced the element of plutonium that can be used in the construction of nuclear weapons. Why are they sensitive towards enrichment and plutonium? [Both] enriched uranium higher than 90% can…be used in the construction of weapons and [so can] an element created in heavy water reactor called plutonium.”
    • “Under normal situation, we would have needed at least two to three years to advance Arak confidently…We accepted in the Geneva Accord not to install some major equipment in these six months. In return, we will work on equipment quality and review.”
    • “Some say that Arak reactor activities have ceased. The Arak reactor has not been in operation for it to cease.”
    • “In the Geneva Accord, the matter of ceasing heavy water reactor activities has not been included whatsoever. They have induced public opinion in a way that the populous believes heavy water activities must cease.”
    • “Currently, we are not after establishing reprocessing facilities. Of course, this does not mean that we recant this right forever. The important matter is that [IAEA] cameras are constantly inspecting our nuclear sites. They record fuel movement.”
    • “We announced that we are ready to ‘redesign.’ We will redesign to reduce the level of plutonium production and take it to the least [amount] instead of ten kilograms. They received this proposal. We will use the opportunity and upgrade the reactor to expand the field of research. The current design is based on previous years and we have upgraded our information.”
    • “We will preserve the nature of the reactor as heavy water [based], but will design it in a way that will alleviate false concerns that they have created from a technical perspective.”
    • “Our advice is not to even discuss the number of centrifuges, rather to discuss the unit isolation power. It is possible for some centrifuges to be different type than others.” 

Military and Security


Photo of the Day

  • Fars News Agency photo essay: “Reflection,” various photos of everyday life in Iran.