A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by the AEI Critical Threats Project's Iran research team. To receive this daily newsletter, please subscribe online. 

(E) = Article in English

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Military and Security

  • Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) Commander Maj. Gen. Mohammad Ali Jafari addressed the anniversary of the IRGC’s constitutional ratification, where he discussed relations with the Rouhani administration, involvement in Syria, border security in the southeast, and “resistance economy” policies:
    • “It is possible for some officials to only pursue political goals, to the extent that they are not in the path of the Islamic Revolution and the Islamic [nature] of the Islamic Republic.”
    • “To this end it is possible for the IRGC to give some warnings or perform its role based on its natural mission, which is preserving the Islamic Revolution. It is possible here for the IRGC’s revolutionary role to appear to be in opposition with some administrations, which is not true.”
    • “The movement of the IRGC and the administration are completely in line, unless in some specific instances where there is conflict with the fundamentals of values and the people’s beliefs.”
    • “…There are massive capacities at the discretion of the IRGC with the existence of more than 20 million organized Basijis. We have announced that we can take very long steps using this section of the population in ‘resistance economy,’ which this matter is at the administration’s discretion.”
    • “Cultural threats are the most important threats presently facing the Islamic Revolution… It seems that the goal of sanctions also includes changing the people’s beliefs and outlooks through economic pressures…”
    • “The fundamental essence of the Islamic Revolution is opposing the Dominant [Western] System. All slogans and positions in foreign policy derive from this.”
    • “There is no need for the military meddling of other systems in Syria, [since] the Syrian people are in sufficient numbers, have favorable capabilities, and also have the necessary motivation for popular defense against the enemy.”
    • “In the areas of the southeast, we have given border security to tribal leaders due to the tribal fabric in these areas. We also intend to provide optimal security for these borders by organizing volunteer indigenous Basij forces.”
  • IRGC Political Deputy Brig. Gen. Rasoul Sanaei Rad defended the economic activities of the IRGC Khatam ol-Anbia Construction Base after the Iran-Iraq War and after the latest Western sanctions: “The IRGC has been unfairly accused of economic activities and political meddling for profit seeking in the domestic arena…Some groups that are affected by the foreign environment, lack attention to the revolution’s values and deviate from the pure criterion of the revolution are continuously beating on the drum of attacking the IRGC.”
  • Armed forces media outlet Defa Press reports that IRGC Khatam ol-Anbia Construction Base is building metro lines in the cities of Mashhad and Tabriz.
  • IRGC Deputy Commander Brig. Gen. Hossein Salami claimed the US is in pursuit of “Americanizing non-Americans” and said “We want to design our lifestyle based on Islam and Islamic thought, so the West cannot achieve its primary goal, which is to change our Islamic lifestyle.”
  • Artesh Navy Forces Operations Deputy Admiral 2C Siavash Jarreh announced that a 29th deployment of naval ships docked earlier in Muscat, Oman.

Nuclear Issue

  • Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) spokesman Behrouz Kamalvandi announced “Oxidizing 5% uranium does not mean the elimination of uranium… It is a mistake to say that we lose our reserves by oxidizing uranium…We can transform our 5% uranium to 20% within two to three weeks if needed.” Kamalvandi also commented on the latest generation of centrifuges, a comprehensive nuclear document, and Russian negotiations on new power plants:
    • He said that the latest generation of centrifuges makes the first look like “stovepipes,” noting their twentyfold increased enrichment capacity.
    • Kamalvandi then highlighted the lack of “a comprehensive document for the nuclear program…For example in the past few years the concentration has been on the Arak reactor and enrichment and no work has been done on nuclear plants…We are currently designing a comprehensive document that needs cooperation with other institutions and ministries, including Energy and the Energy Council. Afterwards, it must transform into law.”
    • Regarding negotiations with Russia to construct new energy plants, he said, “We have finalized a cooperation protocol to build these power plants two by two. We are also in negotiations to build new power plants with some Asian and European countries. Our entire plan is clear regarding fuel, and this program will be discussed in the nuclear negotiations as well.”
  • AEOI Public Relations released a statement urging the media not to broadcast and publish images of nuclear industry scientists as a security precaution.



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