A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by the AEI Critical Threats Project's Iran research team. To receive this daily newsletter, please subscribe online. 

(E) = Article in English

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  • Senior Political Advisor to the Representative of the Supreme Leader in the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) Brig. Gen. 2C Yadollah Javani warned against efforts to form secular government in Iran:
    • “We have unfortunately witnessed many attempts in the past three decades to establish a secular government and permeate its values in society…we must be vigilant so it is not permeated in society the slogan of religion’s separation from politics. We should take steps in this regard with precise and coordinated planning."
    • “We must achieve expansion with reliance on domestic capacity. If we paid attention to the Supreme Leader’s orders in previous years we would not have a 3 trillion [approximately 1.2 billion USD] corruption [by government officials] in society. 
  • IRGC Mohammad Rasulollah Unit (Greater Tehran) is holding a two-day “Ala Beit ol-Moghaddas” [Towards Jerusalem] drill in Tehran that includes troop movements, ambushes, ancillary road construction, anti-helicopter operations, and passive defense measures. 
  • Eshagh Jahangiri, the First Deputy to President Hassan Rouhani, issued three orders intended to support production, create jobs, and reduce inflation in a meeting with Rouhani administration officials, including Oil Minister Bijan Zanganeh and Central Bank of Iran Head Valiollah Seif.
  • Presidential Strategic Planning and Supervision Directorate announced the allocation of 4 billion USD in credit to the National Iranian Oil Company for the development of joint natural gas and oil fields. According to the 2014-2015 budget law, the administration must invest in this area after deducting from crude oil and natural gas exports revenues from National Expansion Fund allocation. 
  • A Chinese energy sector investment group has expressed interest in investing in and constructing an electricity plant in the Aras Free Economic Zone. There are currently 180 industrial, trade, and tourism facilities under construction in the zone.