A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by the AEI Critical Threats Project's Iran research team. To receive this daily newsletter, please subscribe online. 

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  • Chief of Staff to the Office of the Supreme Leader Hojjat al Eslam Mohammad Mohammadi Golpayegani condemned ISIL. He claimed that 2 million Iraqis have registered “to join the army in defending the ahl-e bayt [the Prophet’s household], and jihad against ISIL,” following Grand Ayatollah Sistani’s fatwa, demonstrating the power of the senior Shi’a clergy:
    • “Many seditionists, executioners, and blood thirsty savages have befallen the lives of Iraqi Muslims. None must think that ISIL is Muslim…ISIL terrorists are not Sunnis.”
    • “Baathists are the foundation of ISIL. They have announced with obscenity that their goal is the destruction of Islamic symbols in Najaf, Karbala, Samarra, and Mashhad. These non-Muslim murderers must know that the mighty Hezbollah of Iran, Lebanon, and Iraq will not permit [third Shi’a] Imam Hossein’s cry of innocence to rise.”


  • Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) Navy Commander Brig. Gen. Ali Reza Tangsiri slammed Israel at the inauguration ceremony of IRGC Navy Nouh-e Nabi Area Two Commander Brig. Gen. Ali Razmjoon in Bushehr:
    • The[ ISIL] terrorist group is supported by the Zionist regime because it has been created by them. ISIL is seeking to create division among Muslims and fulfill the goals of the Zionist regime. The plan of [from the] ‘Nile to the Euphrates’ has been an old dream of the Zionist regime. This group [ISIL] is determined to draw in the region. We must evaluate Iraq’s situation with complete awareness and maintain unity between Shi’as and Sunnis.”



  • Head of the Basij Organization IRGC Brig. Gen. Mohammad Reza Naghdi addressed a gathering of Basij members in Khorason-e Razavi province about the ongoing Iraq crisis:
    • “The front of resistance and perseverance has continued against Arrogance in Iraq. These events usher the creation of a single Islamic front to liberate Quds and connect the eastern front of the Resistance to Beit ol-Moghaddas [Jerusalem].”
    • “When the Americans were operating in Syria and fell short of terrorists, they negotiated with the Baathist ISIL, who they trained and preferred to fight in Syria.”
    • “The moment these terrorists were broken by the Syrian people, America did not simply cut its losses short and given their loss in Iraqi elections, America decided to pursue a coup d'état against the Iraqi nation.”


  • Sadrist Movement Leader Muqtada al-Sadr reportedly issued eight proposals to resolve the Iraqi crisis before Ramadan, promising to “shake the ground in fighting ISIL”:
    • “We must save Iraq from the present critical crisis, and this measure must take place in eight levels: First, ceasing the massacres and eliminating fear among paramilitary forces. Second, the government must commit to fulfill the peaceful and legal demands of Iraqi Sunnis. Third, expediting the process of forming a national government with a new structure, inclusive of all groups. Fourth, the coherent condemnation of terrorist groups by Iraqi Shi’as and Sunni. Fifth, exclude terrorist groups and Baathists in dialogues. Sixth, foreign groups especially, occupying forces and regional countries must cease interfering in Iraq’s internal affairs. Seventh, international support of the Iraqi army by non-occupying countries. Eighth, non-intervention of paramilitaries in Iraq’s present war as it intensifies instability.”



  • Law Enforcement Forces (LEF) Commander Brig. Gen. Esmail Ahmadi Moghaddam discussed Iranian influence in Iraq at the inauguration ceremony of LEF Eastern Azerbaijan Commander Brig. Gen.  Mohsen Hassan Khani:
    • “[Iraqis] are unclear about requesting aid from Iran to resolve their crisis. They sometimes claim that Iran directly intervenes in Iraqi affairs, but we all know that the [IRI’s] aid and influence in the region is undeniable.”
    • “Those who seek sedition do not seek Islam; they mercenaries who are destroying the religion…They are seeking to introduce the most violent image of Islam to the world so it secures the Zionists.”
    • “LEF plays a role in any field that you can think of. This is due to the sophistication of crimes. The LEF’s outlook is legal and professional and defends the shrines and rights of the dear Iranian people.”


  • Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani’s representative in Iran Ayatollah Javad Shahrestani met with Energy Minister Hamid Chit Chiyan in Qom:
    • Baghdad would have fallen if Ayatollah Sistani had issued the fatwa 48 hours later.”
    • “This fatwa caused the prevention of ISIL’s advance. The people lovingly came to the field just like when Imam [Khomeini] issued a fatwa…”
    • “They could not have advanced without the treason of some [Iraqi] Army commanders. God willing, the danger will be relieved step-by-step.”
    • “The Saudi ulama and the likes of Qarzawi had very colorful roles.”
    • “ISIL is a great threat for the region; a correct approach must be adopted.”
    • “The road between Baghdad and Samarra was cleansed yesterday, thanks be to God.”
    • “The road between Samarra and the holy shrines has been opened, and the opposition held 13 kilometers.”
    • “Despite this we believe that the Iraqi people themselves can resolve this issue.”
    • Chit Chiyan later warned about the “serious” water crisis in Iran and that consumer reduction “is the only way left” to address the issue.



  • Deputy Foreign Minister for Arab and African Affairs Hossein Amir Abdollahian in an exclusive interview with Arabic news network Al-Alam talked about aiding Iraq and said:
    • “Should Iraq request it, [Iran] would send military equipment to Iraq within the confines of international law.”
    • Abdollahian also met with the head of the joint mission of the UN and the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons Sigrid Kaag in Tehran. Abdollahian said “As long as certain parties support the idea of sending weapons into Syria, one cannot be optimistic about the prospect of regional security.”


  • Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif met with his Cuban counterpart Marcelino Medina Gonzalez. The two discussed the ongoing nuclear talks and Zarif said “Iran is ready to reach a deal and has presented reasonable proposals; however, the opposing side may obstruct a final accord by adopting a maximalist position.”
    • Nuclear negotiations between Iran and the P5+1 are slated for two weeks, July 2-15.