A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by AEI Critical Threats Project Iran Analyst Mehrdad Moarefian and Iran Intern Amir Toumaj, with contributors Chris Rawlins, Diana Timmerman, and Marie Donovan. To receive this daily newsletter, please subscribe online.

 (E) = Article in English

Official Statements

  • Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Marzieh Afkham responded to British Prime Minister David Cameron’s speech and said:
    • “England is responsible for the majority of the problems facing the region.”
    • “Prime Minister David Cameron’s speech at the United Nations General Assembly represented a continuation of the self-centered view of [London’s] government that has a history of turmoil in our area.” (Tasnim News Agency)

  • Basij Organization Deputy Commander Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) Brig. Gen. Ali Fazli discussed incidents of sedition since the founding of the Revolution and blamed the uprisings on Western conspiracies that led to regime preparation to handle internal threats and said:
    • “The [2009] sedition did not catch us off-guard. Prior to the sedition the Supreme National Security Council held a meeting in late 87 [2008] and they granted permission to the Sarallah base to enter the security matter.” (Defa Press)

Regional Developments and Diplomacy

  • In a meeting between President Hassan Rouhani and Iraqi Prime Minister Heidari in New York on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) session Rouhani clarified Iran’s determination in maintaining the stability and security of Iraq, stating that Iran has a religious duty and obligation to help Iraq in its fight against ISIS.
    • “In helping Iraq we have not received permission nor will we in the future; we will not give other countries permission to interfere in the relations between Iraq and Iran.”
    • PM Heidari said, “It is true that the invasion of ISIS has been catastrophic for Iraq and has left many casualties, but it has also had a positive impact and that is that the world has realized how big of a threat it has become.” (Mehr News)

  • Arab and African Affairs Deputy to the Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian denied reports that two Iranian diplomats abducted in Yemen have been released; he stated that diplomat Nour Ahmad Nikbakht was in good health, but that “news of his release has not been approved by the government of Yemen.” (Ahlul Bayt News Agency)

  • Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif met with his German counterpart Mr. Steinmeier in New York on the sidelines of the UNGA meetings to present and evaluate solutions to achieve a comprehensive agreement to the regional crisis. Mr. Zarif also met with the foreign minister of Greece
    • Mr. Steinmeier declared that “Berlin supports reaching a comprehensive agreement to resolve the regional issues with the participation of Iran.”
    • It was announced that Iran and Greece agreed to an “overview of bilateral ties and an increase in contact and exchange of views on various regional topics.”
    • Mr. Zarif also said that “We’re determined to not accompany the nuclear negotiations with any other issues.” (Tasnim News Agency)
  • President Rouhani speaking at the New America event in New York discussed the ISIS crisis, stating that “ISIS will not be eradicated by military force.” He also discussed the nuclear negotiations and said that “The NPT never came and clarified the number of centrifuges.”
    • In a quote from Iran’s presidential website, “Any struggle against extremism will only be in full adherence to the principles and standards of international law.“
    • “Solving the Syrian crisis through peaceful and political solutions is necessary to make clear the distinction with the activities of terrorist groups.”
    • Stating that Iran has done its share in building confidence Rouhani said, “The International Atomic Energy Agency reports to do not prove that Iran has diverted from its peaceful nuclear program.” (Fars News Agency)

Military and Security

  • IRGC Aerospace Force commander, Brig. Gen. Amir Ali Haji Zadeh, at a conference with workers in Azarab Arak emphasized Iran’s self-sufficient military industry and the production of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) radars in Iran.
    • “Today, despite the sanctions, we have developed the most sophisticated and advanced facilities, we manufacture our own range of equipment and have become self-sufficient”.
    •  “The radar of the Hermes drone which was discovered was Iranian, and built in our country; all of this radar, from idea to product, was built in this country; we have had a radar and defense systems for this missile, which exists in a diverse range. We saw the damage but we were not disappointed; we should all mobilize, help one another, and not give hope to our enemies”. (Sepah News)

  • Artesh Navy commander Rear Admiral Hossein Amir Azad announced that Iran and China held a joint naval exercise in the Persian Gulf. The two sides worked on intelligence exchange and relief and rescue operations. (Islamic Revolution News Agency)

  • Artesh Khatam ol-Anbia Air Base Commander Brig. Gen. Amir Farzad Esmaili discussed Iran’s air defense and said “Serving in the air defense is something sacred.” Esmaili added:
    • “We have the experience of pioneers in various fields, especially this field that our young people can use.”
    • “Air defense is the first priority of the government and with the Supreme Leader’s faith all of our efforts will be successful.”
    • “The air defense corps has been using UAV’s for the past eight months and is currently deterring American fighters. Under the guidance of the Supreme Leader, we have taken away their peace.” (Defa Press)

Nuclear Talks

  • Head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Ali Akbar Salehi spoke in a meeting attended by the Energy Commission concerning issues between the Agency and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Next week in Parliament a bill will be discussed with the presence of Iranian Environmental Organizations, experts, Presidential advisors, environmental protection organizations, the Atomic Energy Agency, and members of the ParliamentEnergy Commission. The meeting next week will have officials report on the budget over the past year and also introduce two new members of the Commission in an observer status. (Iran Students’ News Agency)
  • Spokesman of the AEOIBehrouz Kamalvandi spoke at the Atomic Energy Conference in Vienna concerning the need to honor Iran’s sovereignty when conducting inspections of nuclear facilities:
    • “While Iran supports the implementation of safeguards and verification activities by the IAEA, the Atomic Energy Organization expects Member States to ensure that our national sovereignty is safe.”
    • “Iran’s peaceful nuclear energy program continues to be under IAEA safeguards and we hope that through rational negotiation and the goodwill of all parties that greater cooperation will emerge.” (Iran Students’ News Agency)

  • 18 Arab countries have submitted a resolution to the IAEA over Israel’s nuclear capability and demanded that Israel sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. The first time the Arab nations submitted such a resolution was in 2013 and America met the resolution with “sore opposition.” The resolution expressed concern over the stability of the region:
    • “Israel is currently developing nuclear capabilities and none of these activities are under the control of international regulation. This has caused a great threat to stability and peace in the region. Although Israel will never acknowledge they have nuclear weapons.” (Iran Students’ News Agency