A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by AEI Critical Threats Project Iran Analyst Mehrdad Moarefian and Iran Intern Amir Toumaj, with contributors Chris Rawlins, Diana Timmerman, and Marie Donovan. To receive this daily newsletter, please subscribe online.

 (E) = Article in English

Military and Security

  • Senior Military Advisor to the Supreme Leader Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps Maj. Gen. Yahya Rahim Safavi spoke before the Friday Prayers Sermon in Qom for the Holy Defense Week and spoke about American incompetence in the region and how Iran is the main fighter against terrorism:
    • “Most certainly the military and financial supporters of terrorists in the region, especially America, do not have competence, consensus, or leadership.”
    • “The Islamic Republic of Iran is the strongest and primary fighter against the Takfiri terrorists.”
    • “Undoubtedly the war and the great victory of the Islamic Revolution led by the late Imam Khomeini occurred outside the will of the great powers at the time, America and the Soviet Union.”
    • “Also a number of European countries and some Arab Countries, especially one of the wealthiest of them, hated the Islamic Republic and with anti-Shia and Wahhabi thinking they helped the enemy infidel regime of Iraq.” (Sepah News)


  • Armed Forces General Staff Intelligence and Operations Deputy Maj. Gen. Mohammad Bagheri spoke about a “red line” with ISIS and warned that if ISIS crossed that red line then they would be destroyed:
    • “In the face of recent events in Iraq we have red lines that we have not officially announced, among these is the security of our border areas. If this group [ISIS] or any cell threatens the security of the borders of the Islamic Republic, they will be destroyed and they understand this.”
    • “The President has also stated that the protection of the holy shrines in Iraq is also a red line for us.”
    • “Thanks to God in every era of the past our situation has improved, looking back on past eras like the Revolution, the stabilization of the system, the Holy Defense, the time of construction and economic development…all eras continued to upgrade and enhance the power of the Islamic Republic.” (Defa Press)


Nuclear Talks

  • International and Legal Affairs Deputy to the Foreign Minister Abbas Araghchi meets with US Secretary of State John Kerry and European Foreign Policy chief  Catherine Ashton.
    • Speaking about President Rouhani’s speech at the United Nations General Assembly Araghchi said, “The President’s speech touched on the most important international and world topics, especially the issue of extremism and how what is happening in the Middle East has become such an international threat”.
    • He also spoke about the possibility of a change in the negotiation process, “So far, negotiations have been conducted at different levels. Negotiations have now reached a breathing level. We have now reached a point where we can reach a solution that is acceptable to both sides. We are still trying, but we did get into detail on the issues where our views are closer to one another”. (Tasnim News)


  • Araghchi discussed the state of the negotiations with the P5+1 and said “The nuclear negotiations have reached a breathtaking point and both sides have entered into many details.”
    • “We will by no means leave the negotiating table, but will not retreat an iota from Iran’s rights either.” (IRNA)


  • Iranian Permanent Representative to the International Atomic Energy Agency Board of Governors Reza Najafi said:
    • “Israeli dark record of state terrorism, attacks or threat of attacks to the neighbors, and irresponsible and brutal behavior of Israel in the region… make it more urgent for the international community to put an end to nuclear capability of this regime.”
    • “Israel has violated all international norms and regulations.” (Press TV)


  • National Security and Foreign Policy (NSFP) Parliamentary Commission Chairman  MP Alaeddin Boroujerdi discussed President Rouhani’s involvement in the nuclear negotiations:
    • “If the negotiations are deadlocked, the president cannot solve the problem unless a preliminary agreement is made; however, the level defined during the nuclear negotiations is of the foreign ministers….Usually, it is customary in international relations that during the nuclear negotiations the issues on the expert level to a point where negotiations have gone to a higher level, the foreign minister enters the negotiation.”   
    • On the attempt by European nuclear negotiators “to achieve an agreement based on disconnecting centrifuges”: “Disconnecting of these [centrifuges] is equal to the absence of centrifuges; centrifuges are not décor but are the platform for the carrying out of peaceful nuclear activities.” (Mehr News)


Regional Developments and Diplomacy

  • Hezbollah Secretary General Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah, at the thirteenth Hezbollah Resistance Film Festival, was given the Role Model of Resistance award by Mohsen Rezaei, secretary of the Expediency Council and Mohammad Khazaei, secretary of the festival, along with Mohammad Jabbari, CEO of Revayat (Naration) Foundation, and Major General Naghdi, commander of the Basij Forces. The award was accepted by Nasrallah’s eldest son on his behalf, who said “We have always been used to the blessing of the Iranian people and the government of Imam Khomeini and Imam Khamenei”.
    • Commander of the Basij, General Naghdi said “Today dictatorships, instead of electronic warfare are using satellite networks, and instead of chemical warfare are using drugs and alcohol against the people”. (Ahlul Beyt News Agency)


  • In a joint statement, the Basij Organization and the Imam Khomeini Relief Committee discussed the damage throughout Gaza as a result of recent economic sanctions and conflict, and called on the Iranian people to contribute to a fund to rebuild Gaza.  (Defa Press)



  • According to the Head of Iran’s Central Organization of Rural Cooperatives, Hossein Safaei, Iran and Russia have come to an agreement to facilitate the export of goods through agricultural organizations in the private sector which would be facilitated by Iranian businessmen in Russia. The goods in question would include, fruits and vegetables.
    • “The necessary negotiations for this agreement have taken place and in the near future export to Russia will be bolstered”.
    • Safaei, about the banking and money transfer problem in Russia said, “The necessary negotiations conducted with the Russian officials, which were held in Iran, in every province of the country this problem will be solved through the banking system.” (ISNA