A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by AEI Critical Threats Project Iran Analyst Mehrdad Moarefian and Marie Donovan, with contributors Farzin Farzad and Diana Timmerman. To receive this daily newsletter, please subscribe online.

Key takeaway: Senior Iranian officials echoed the Supreme Leader’s support for the P5+1 negotiations, while Mohsen Rezaei emphasized Washington’s inability to coalesce behind a unified policy regarding the nuclear talks.

Alaeddin Boroujerdi reiterated the Supreme Leader’s endorsement for a nuclear deal with the P5+1. The National Security and Foreign Policy Parliamentary Commission Chairman added: “…the entire nation of Iran, are in support of the regime and the government in the negotiations.”  Mohsen Rezaei, meanwhile, dismissed President Obama’s assertion that economic sanctions forced Iran to the negotiations table. The Expediency Discernment Council Secretary attributed President Obama’s shortcomings in Congress to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Rezaei suggested that Israel is a divisive issue that has caused the bifurcation of Washington’s foreign policy interests and said, “Mr. Obama’s hands are tied and [the US is] very afraid of the Israelis. Netanyahu is scheduled to speak in Congress; their situation is a mess. It is better that the Americans make decision sooner and to reach an agreement with Iran.” These statements underscore the Supreme Leader’s concerted effort to close ranks within the regime in order to project a unified foreign policy. 


Official Statements

  • Firouzabadi: Yemen’s capital is safe. Maj. Gen. Hassan Firouzabadi discussed the recent developments in Yemen and stated that Sanaa is safe because the revolutionary forces have control of the security and intelligence forces. The Chief of the Armed Forces said the US, British, and French move to close their embassies suggests that they are conspiring to fuel tensions. Firouzabadi added: "In Yemen, there has never been any insecurity unless the Americans and their followers in Europe want to trigger it.” (Sepah News)
  • Rezaei: Obama’s hands are tied. Mohsen Rezaei recognized the nation’s great show of support for the Iranian negotiators, during yesterday’s nation-wide celebration of the 36th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution. The Expediency Discernment Council Secretary said that the “negotiations process is good. The global powers are obliged to recognize Iran’s international rights.” Rezaei also dismissed President Obama’s claim that sanctions pushed Iran to negotiate with the P5+1: “Mr. Obama’s hands are tied and [the US is] very afraid of the Israeli’s. Netanyahu is scheduled to do a speech in Congress; their situation is a mess. It is better that the Americans make decision sooner and to reach an agreement with Iran.” (ISNA)



Nuclear Talks

  • Boroujerdi: Supreme Leader gives the “road map for the nuclear talks to continue.” Alaeddin Boroujerdi stated, “The Supreme Leader’s statements provide a road map for the nuclear talks to continue, so the complete task and the method for the negotiations are recent and bright.” The National Security and Foreign Policy (NSFP) Parliamentary Commission Chairman also stated that “…not only the negotiating team, but also the entire nation of Iran, are in support of the regime and the government in the negotiations.”  (IRNA)
  • Ayatollah Kermani: Iranian negotiating team should learn from the anniversary celebrations. Ayatollah Kermani: stated, “Yesterday’s demonstrations [celebrating the 36th anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution] were an important message to Iranian diplomats who are in talks with the P5+1…that the nation of Iran, does not deal Iran’s honor for anything else.” The Secretary General of the Society of Combatant Clergy noted, “Of course, Iran’s negotiating team understands the concerns of the people…” (Fars News Agency)
  • Kowsari says the West’s nuclear proposals are deceitful. Esmail Kowsari reiterated the Supreme Leader’s opposition to a two-stage nuclear deal with the P5+1. The NSFP Parliamentary Commission member said, “Dividing the agreement into two stages by the West shows their deceptive behavior; they want to play with our negotiations team.” Kowsari added that, the repeated decision to extend the Joint Plan of Action agreement signed in November 2013 indicates that the West does not have the necessary will to reach a compromise. (Fars News Agency)




  • Haddad Adel: the Parliament is “trying to bring the budget closer to the resistance economy.” Gholam Ali Haddad Adel stated, “Experience of the last year and a half have down that the Americans are not willing to solve this problem [of the nuclear negotiations]…” The Expediency Council Member also noted, “of course, we should strive towards the ‘resistance economy’ and the Parliament has tried in order to impose their views on the review of the budget bill, and is trying to bring the budget closer to the ‘resistance economy.’” (Mehr News )
  • Planning and Budget Commission: Iranian economy can handle the sanctions. The Planning and Budget Parliamentary Commission Chairman stated that “Iran’s capacity is high; Iran’s economy is such that it can withstand against sanctions.” Gholam Reza Tajgardoun reiterated that “the resistance economy… has this capacity which can make us able to resist the policies of Western countries and sanctioning even more.” (ISNA)



Military and Security

  • Iran remains hopeful that Russia will deliver the S-300 missile system. Mehdi Sanaei said that Tehran hopes that Moscow will deliver the S-300 missile defense systems sometime this year. (Fars News Agency